[RESOLVED] Preview Box Rewards

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

  2. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    Lol shooter who are you addressing
  3. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    The world lol, i dont forum much, long story short i should have maxed out staff but dont 
  4. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    Shooter you idiot you won't get maxed staff. You will just get chips to upgrade staff. You're stupid if you want this fixed.
  5. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    We should get to keep our extra equipment. We already wore it
  6. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    an alt!? :lol: that's a first, only reason I don't have majority of vol equipment is because I'm not a whiny EB scrub like some people around here.

    But hey keep complaining and whining, it is very amusing to see how upset some "adults" get over a game.

    SAD! :lol:
  7. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    Not fair i got lvl 10 bp when everyone else got lvl 10 something else and is going to get lvl 7 bp fix this so it's either 1 peice or everyone gets 2 instead of this cause basically all your spenders are in the same boat. 1 peice instead of 2 like everyone else.
  8. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    should iI have not collected reward? Where the silvers? The xstals, the crux chests nothing
  9. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    Separate rewards. The main event and the preview are technically different events, and only the preview rewards are out
  10. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

  11. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    why?? Plenty of ppl so far have been given maxed out cp so far from reward chest so explain?
  12. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    Since small/new accounts were/are unable to UG the relic, and got screwed in the dew portion of the event, why not just leave the drops the way they happened. Or leave the dew in our inventory and allow those of us that were unable to UG the relic. A chance to UG it after we unlock the mage. Just a thought to help make new/small players fell like they matter.
  13. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    This should be fixed. Alot of people got rewards they didnt earn, and others spent their dew to get the item they did earn, but could have gotten better gear if they didnt spent dew

    Why should people who didnt work as hard for rewards get better rewards than people who did put in alot more effort and time who got lesser rewards?
  14. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    great ideas let down by the limitations of the developers...
    again lol
  15. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    No drop?
  16. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    We weren't supposed get two equipment?
  17. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    Because they had 10k dew left over...
    So they "only" have one lev 0 and one lev 10 cp. You on the other hand got the staff and a maxed out shoulder piece. Do you even brain bru
  18. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    For what? You get the equipment at the start then enchant it to a certain level you want, there isn't supposed to be a drop from the preview tab, that's why it is called preview.

    Uh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
  19. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    Better not take my equip from me, there have been past events/ee seasons, where people got rewards they did not meet requirements for and nothing was done to correct it then. This should be treated the same way.
  20. Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards

    I already ug-d to get breastplate but I ended up with legs only :( wth?! Others are getting 2 drops or didn't receive missing dew drops and got 1 eq below the drop they would've if dew dropped. Devs really messed this up 