[RESOLVED] Known Issue: War 1 Rancor Level

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Straw warred last night .War-1 so if he didnt have any rancor to begin with he shoukd atleast have rancor 4 right plus he got ee 5 .this is crazy .u do the freakin math .u messed up bad .FIX IT .i dont care what u do .we have proof .this is not fair
  2. It was 50 not 49 nari. Im just shocked that straw email u guys and u just dismissed it and clearly didnt check or you would see instantly that he was telling the truth. Frankly its quite rude and disgraceful. People invest ALOT of time and money to war properly and yet even after mess up you dont even check properly for anyone that does email you like you asked. I'm sure straw will get the rancor restored after emailing ss proof but the way he was treated is a joke. Resolved...pffft hardly.
  3. Straw deffo had 50 rancor guys
  4. Either the people responding to emails are clueless...(likely due to me emailing many a time and getting different responses on the same issue haha). I know you will see this. Restore straw's rancor. He should also be compensated for the complete lack of help. Please explain how someone with ee5 can have 0 rancor lmao. Lol athinkingape. Very true name. Time for an upgrade i think.
  5. Also do your job and actually check the war history. God forbid u have to do something other than miss release dates and promise things that u never deliver. Oh yea i forgot u need to release another eb with crappy eq and chances are no one can hit it too lol. Devs got alot on their plate
  6. we got proof Straw had rancor 50 and devs stole it from him .just plz fix it thats all we ask for .bring our memeber rancor back .or thats how u do things now .he spent loads of cash on xtals and seals and thats what he get .0 rancor .pure bs if u ask me .but then again u fixed it right ! Liers
  7. Hi guys, thanks so much for bringing this ti our attention. While we had believed the issue to have been resolved it looks like it may still be a problem. We're looking into this right now and I'll provide an update as soon as possible.
  8. Thanks .thats all we ask for
  9. Thanks kaw_com
  10. Ty devs 
  11. We believe all of those affected by this issue should now have their Level 50 Rancor Level back.
    If you experience any further issues please email support@athinkingape.com so they can look into your case individually.