Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 Seriously? This is complete ********! You could have given out trial rewards during the down time instead of making us wait over 20 hours during the day you promised us rewards. Not to mention some people can not war that late so they might have to miss the rescheduled EE and not be able to renew their mith unless they sit inactive. Great now you influenced war inactivity and lower participants. You just ruined that EE war. Cancel it all together and reward a 1 week extention. I am not even in that war and I feel the pain. You are seriously screwing so many people over.
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 If war is rescheduled to 9pm PDT, that should be 12pm SGT. Why isit stated 11am SGT on our war schedule? And we're still waiting for the time trial reward. Instead of screwing BOTH the time trial reward AND the war schedule, you might as well faster distribute the reward, get it over done with and focus on the war. Instead of messing both up and postponing both. Lol
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 For those noticing the app it showing an hour earlier than mentioned here, there's an issue with it not displaying the correct time. This should be updated in the future, but the war is indeed scheduled for 9PM PDT.
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 Compensation? I had to leave a active eb and sit and wait for you to finally tell me no match.
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 Devs I recasted war of conflict but not my mith , and I didn't go in clan to do it hope that's gd enough
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 Haha devs. So u on purposely sabotaged war 3 so u could willingly move it forward to buy ur selfs more time to give out time trial rewards (which you told us would be today) in hope of making yourselfs look less stupid and fail once again nice one
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 So we get no compensation for yalls mess up. I missed a whole eb leaving my clan and losing bonuses for war. I also cant do upcoming war. Do we get any sort of compensation at all.
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 Dear Devs, I was at work for this stuff up and missed an opportunity to whinge like a baby to you. Can I get some compensation for not being able to RAGE USING CAPITAL LETTERS!!!
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 I cast for the original time. It was cancelled. I cast for the second time. Waited a total of 4 hours. Matching comes around and I am not put in a clan and my WOC is terminated. Why.
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 New issue: why are 23 people put in clan for a war and then get a notification that on 9 opted in and are participating. Same with our oppenant. What is this. I recast woc. Get put in clan and cant war. Seriously.
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 Look into actives/in actives please shows half our clan not participating