Love the guy commenting but hiding behind umbrella corporation that not another HUGE alliance pot calling kettle black my friend
Are u completely out of ur mind! Don't u remember the war practically every ******* big kawer vs IG and ZAFT? no body won! HOW THE **** do u expect anyone to win with e few big clans? Are you ok?
ZAFT earned yo get there, just leave them be, they worked hard enough, and for u to tear them down! I BET UR JEALOUS!
Hmm let's see,,the other thinking ape game ,gaw, zaft just happens to be at the top there as I the only one who smells something funny...nice thread princess,,now grow a pair pull your main out and start hitting
How much money have you spent on this game? How many hours? Multiply that by about 10 and you have a ZAFT member.
Bacon your a complete idiot plz stop posting,,most of zaft isn't even hlbc,,yet all their members have played forever? Stop talking plz
This isn't your thread. You can't tell me to stop. I don't really see how I'm wrong. I could guarantee almost ever ZAFT member buys something every week. Most of them are HLBC. Maybe not in the 2 mil cs training clans, but not in ZAFT big clans. Look again.
Lol can barely keep pure evil Pinned??? More like they cant unload their troops cause pure evils pinned...
Ppl talking **** about zaft if getting old, if apoc or umbrella were that big and organized this thread would be about them. Us as players should respect zaft, they are there own organization unlike the other super powers in the game that have to rely on alliances. Inside we all wish our own home clans were as structured and established as.ZAFT thats why people are constantly trying to find a theme that everyone will support and hope their idea takes off.Really this is a pathetic thread, topics been not only discussed a million times but also its been tried and obviously ZAFT is too strong to shut down, fantasize all you want but if its something that bothers you that bad everytime u get on just dont play no more. Problem solved