Discussion in 'Wars' started by *WD_ZoMbIe_QuEEn_WD (01), Jun 4, 2013.

  1. The problem with taking on zaft is you get all these nobodies trying joining them just to say there part of zaft and are complete idiots on the game but have the protection behind them so they get away with it. Other families kick out the twats and have respect for there family and don't stand for it.
  2. ZAFT is serious because they groom warriors for osw. Dont expect something nice from them becuse thats just how the army works in US. They train you to be the best. ZAFT's clan wall says it all, they provide all the warnigs needed. If you cant read them, then you deserve to be farmed after hitting them on the battle list…simple
  3. ZAFT is serious because they groom warriors for osw. Dont expect something nice from them becuse thats just how the army works in US. They train you to be the best. ZAFT's clan wall says it all, they provide all the warnings needed. If you cant read them, then you deserve to be farmed after hitting them on the battle list…simple
  4. Sounds like someone failed to make the cut and is now "butthurt". If you didn't have what it yourself (i.e. build, ability to follow instructions, allies), fix your issues and reapply when you have corrected your deficiencies. People will not rally to the cause of a loser. You are urinating into the wind and wasting our valuable forum time.
  5. Lmao I didn't realise Zaft rejected people. I thought it was an unwritten policy they accepted whatever noob applied 
  6. Lmao zaft takes anyone,,I know I was an admin there,,zaft sucks.. Just a bunch of noob wranglers
  7. This thread is stupid,true,but stupid.....
  8. One day... Ha.. Just wait
  9. Op's method of war…

  10. ZAFT is fine lol. It's a good clan that teaches players how to play kaw awesomely and teaches great mechanics to all of kaw.

    To say that ZAFT should be toppled is to say that hundreds of new players should be taught to be noobs and quit this game.
  11. @Master

    The game is NOT about 1v1!!!
    Clans are to be united, and 1v1 wastes a player's time, and a clan's unity. Every member's action should be united and coordinated. Members should feel secure in that they won't have the clan turn their back on them.
  12. Man all this about ZAFT this and ZAFT that i am.just blown away but heck.what do i know im just LAODAS MEATSHIELD.
    so happy Kawing
  13. Thanks for the support people and the owner of this post good luck
  14. Laoda doesnt need a meatshield, and it's all very well saying ZAFT are too strong, disband their power, but if you do that then another clan/alliance will just step into the same category lol you knock number 1 off number 2 will then be number one, and then they will need knocking off, it's an on going circle, there's always hate for the guys at the top.... Get over it.... Cheers IL 
  15. I'd like to see the day zaft falls but I doubt it will happen in my law lifetime
  16. Is this a joke? Very funny
  17. I didn't read this.
  18. [​IMG]

    I know nozing , nozing at all.
  19. What with all the hate for ZAFT? What'd they do?