Yes cloud but it is difficult to get I into a b2b haunting clan at such low stats . And since everyone usually hits at once on haunting items not easy . I tried this in haunting aswell and did make 2bill from it but referring to my earlier point to difficult to get in one
I am currently doing this with an alt farming xtalls .. I have come to the conclusion that a reset a day is a little idealistic and takes about a day and a half to reset with max xtalls
As I say this was proposed when the main purpose was for bonuses. Thanks for letting me know the correct time in your view for getting the greatest number of crystals in the shortest amount of time. Everyone will put or has used different variations of this same method. This improved it further and further each time thanks for commenting and improving this thread. Also on a different note although I didn't make a thread on this I told others so whether u heard from Someone else or discovered it like me it's great to hear
I've been using this method for about 4 months now. NML, Haunt or Origins all work well. I just did my 80th reset. I have the reset weapons but continue to reset for crystals and nobs. I get 24 crystals and about 10 nobs per reset. Usually takes me about 24 hours to get through the quests and lc.
It is more effective with Haunting. Items are cheaper, and you'll probably get more money at the end. (don't quote me on is though)
I do this tricks with origins epic... if U lucky, U can join with clan when 24% origins epic left.. and get 3-4B only in 3 hours, and move again to another origins epic.. sounds more gold than NML epic right.? I do this long time ago.. and I'm satiesfied when dev give me 300 nobility points for extra reset I've done.. now I stop and keep growing..