Resetting and why you should ignore Razor's guide.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Chuckle

    End of the day the 8% and extra ally slots add to your overall strength. That is a benefit in growth, rank and war.

    Do it or not, it is up to you.

    btw: Guides should ALWAYS be impartial and factual.
  2. You can do four resets in 4 days with volleying. That's how I did it a couple years ago. Back then drop volleys were easily 99.5% efficient transfer, so lost very little in the process. At the same time, $12b meant an awful lot back then. Not the kind of $ you could make in one day of EB's.

    Ally slots and % stat bonuses are great. The key to making it a worthwhile endeavor is to not build past the reset point the first time around, unless you're doing it to stockpile cash to use for volleying. It's certainly not worth building in the highlands. And really it would be best to go for L4 T1 guilds on most of your lowlands, for the excellent ally plunder capability and low cost to build.
  3. Lol razor, your guide is average and the resetting part is bogus, accept it.

    It was a good idea to try and help ppl, but it wasn't very well executed.
  4. Majesty did actually..
  5. Really? Teja told me he didn't. If I cleaned up my wall I could find the post I know I still have it. lol
  6. Support, just one thing, a HLBC attacker runs for 400 bill to 14 trill, if their are any under 400bill, plz give me names so I can hire them๎…๎•
    And a HLBC spy will cost you about, 540bill to 14 trill!!
    I only went up to 14 because that's the current LB price!! ( I would never buy her lol can't afford that ๎„‡๎„‡)
  7. @bman44. There are some hlbc at 350bil, but if buy they disappear soon.
  8. As promised I reset. Really enjoying
    That extra power and ally slots. Lol
  9. @bman. Before writing this I found one hlbc at 350 bil which I quickly bought. Lol. Of course nowadays most hlbc are well over 400 bil