Mercenary...see my above example. Plus, most LB players have most (if not all) of the ProPacks. 25% + 8% from resets is 33%... You'll have a static bonus of 1/3 your stats at all times.
Cloud, didn't you read? Philosopher showed how 8% has about 1.4 trillion value for hlbc player. I did 4 resets and very happy. My friend show how do it in short time. Owning lots of big allies much harder because they sold away soon. Phils math is right. It's his personality that is problem. Lol
The 8% over the 25% comes into play at certain points in the battle mechanics. Also his math for the stats costing a certain amount of gold only works when talking hlbc allies. Not smaller allies that could equal those stats for less gold. But again, I digress. The point is the 8% is truly minimal partially based on when it gets actually factored in. And I say 8% because MOST hlbc players have ALL the pro packs. But not ALL the players have done at least the 4 resets to gain that extra 8%. That's why I'm not saying 33% or 25% etc. Anyways. Again, once you dive into the actual order for the battle mechanics the percentages/ally stats/your troop strength/opponent troop strength/pots and possibly more factors if I missed them. There's an order for how and when those all come into play. So before jumping all over me start reading and understanding the way these battle mechanics work and realize not only am I not saying resets are bad, because honestly I know they're beneficial, just I state that the ally slots are far more helpful than the 8%. I'm also stating that in the overall final numbers outcome the 8% is not a huge factor. That's all I'm saying. That 8% isn't as much as people are making it out to be. Take that as you wish. I've been around almost 2 years now, way back when your bfa was actually something that could hold a severe impact, hence the reason hansel build was so effective back then, as well as hybrid builds that were roughly 50/50.
First off...bringing the amount of time you've played KaW in is not the way to show knowledge...else I'd know far more than you. Also, I'm not saying that the 8% is more important than the ally slots, but Razor (as I've gathered) basically said reseting was a waste. Your first line in that post I commented on was "Razor is right" or something along those lines. Even though you disagreed with him in the rest of your comment, lol
First line in my 2nd post which was related to their discussions after my first post. My comment was directed at those most recent comments. I follow the conversation, so my comment as far as "razor being right" was directed towards one of his points shortly before my post, not at his guide, which I stated in my first post that I did not read it. Secondly, the length of time was designed to illustrate that having been playing before T4 I was simply using it as an example to point out that today's game certain factors don't mean as much anymore. Such as your ally bonuses. The extra few mil doesn't significantly do anything compared to before. Also was used to point out that ally slots are the main advantage from resets, also using both previous eras in the game and the current one. It was not intended to be taken as "I've played longer therefore I'm smarter". But there is knowledge gained by those of us that have played before T4 and highlands that wouldn't possibly be as common to those that started the game after those updates.
Also this whole time I've supported resets. But not for the extra 8% as that doesn't have a major effect, I support the resets for the increased ally slots which thereby can help to increase your strength with less gold being required as I had stated earlier that as stats increase the price to stat ratio decreases. Which is also why the stats to gold cost in philosopher's scenario only works when referring to hlbc players. The amount of gold it's require to get those stats could be less as a player has more slots and can buy less expensive allies and utilize his/her gold more efficiently.
Have to disagree with you a bit there. Cloud. The bigger you are, the bigger role the 8% plays. I also love the the extra slots. Just didn't want to make my argument longer than it already was.
Yea. That's why in my first post philosopher I stated for once, as scary as it may sound, I agree with you. Resets are an incredibly beneficial thing for players who are serious and looking to grow as efficiently in the long term aspect. I'm not referring to the size as much as the order the battle mechanics follow. The order of it was what makes the 8% not the most beneficial reward for resets.
Lots of long English. So hard for me to read. Lol. Anyway. Since I did four resets, I hope Philosopher is right.
The best bonus from the resets is the increase ally slots. The bonus to your base stats is basically nothing in the big scheme of things compared to the extra bonus from allies you will get after filling the extra slots
Arent extra ally slots useless because red-star only has about 20 allys not 200 something .( not arguing, asking )
You only see 20 allies. That's why you may think he only has 20. I assure he doesn't. I have plenty but you'd only be able to see 20 of mine as well, or Anyone. That's why a common tactic in strip wars is to fill your slots with 100 mil allies in an attempt to hide your higher value allies.
So much hate :'( Minus all the name calling, and this is a really interesting debate. Personally, I think the resets are awesome. Even though I've only got 1 reset bonus myself. I just don't have the patience for it despite it being such a boost in the long run. I suppose if a player was just starting out, I wouldn't recommend they do the resets, mainly because it slows down their overall growth and experiences and discoveries etc. But would definitely encourage them to do it on alt.
I am not sure why some people want to belittle the 8% bonus in favor of the ally slots. Both are important. Remember that for a hlbc player it is the same value as hiring 4 hlbc players (a 1.4 trillion value minimum at today's prices). 450 ally slots or more is nice, but I sincerely doubt most people can buy and hold so many allies. It costs so much and they quickly get hired away. I do try to max out during strip wars but it doesn't last long. Lol. The ally slots will become more important as kaw's popularity increases and the total ally pool grows.