Well, your opinion is wrong and misguided as I have just proved. Unless you can give concrete evidence to the contrary, you remain the noob author of a very bad strategy guide.
I can see you worked hard on it. However, I feel a guide should be a little more impartial and less opinionated. I would rework it. Get rid of all the emotionalism about pwars, and correct the mistakes pointed out.
200mil attack stats? Are you spragga by any chance? I've heard 2mil but never 200mil. Please correct that.
Well, some people that believe resetting is just a giant waste of time because you lose everything you worked for except for your Nobilities and Crystals. My opinion cannot be wrong as I do have the right to speech and it is an OPINION
And because you were so rude and tried to insult me with "noob", I won't edit my guide. Just to bother you
Razor, your opinions lack just evidence, and cannot seem to form a cohesive point. "Philosopher", stop trying to play fool, you're just acting dunce. Nobody has any proof on your elusive 'main', so posting him as the vaguest shadow of a threat gains you disrespect. ~daT.
Carn, the number that shows on a person's stat page is only their hiring stats. When you hire someone you get only 1/50th of their total stats, so a 4 million player's actual stats are 200 million.
200mill is correct. He's referring to your actual strength, not filtered stats. Which is why he said 216mill. 16mill being the allies bonus which is added onto your raw stats. Divide this by 50 to get the filtered stats you are thinking of.
@datomot. Don't get hung up on this main stuff. I am playing 5 accounts now, which should I consider my "main"? I am free to post with whatever account I like to.
@Razor. Don't use philosopher's rude talk as a reason not to fix your guide. You should be more interest in making the best guide possible.
@ assassin. lol I agree with you on that one. Nothing exposes a noob more than when they use their clan name as some sort of justification of their greatness. That's one of the reasons I don't post with my accounts in big clans. There are noobs in every clan: IG, Osiris, Brawlers, Zaft all have their fair share of noobs.
Alright then DBo. Just saying, they're not noobs, they kick ass. They wouldn't let just anyone in. Also, I reset my alternate account early in the game because I read the guides on resetting and thought it was good. I don't have MUCH time on my hands like some people in this forum do so dislike resetting. It's a waste of time according to my experience. 8% doesn't really help much IMO :roll: . But yea I wont mention the WiT thing anymore Sorry bro.
Philosopher is still pretending to have a main? And FYI. Most large accounts have bonuses much bigger than 8 percent from buying packs.... I can't believe you still are trying this gig