
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIIKaBOOMIIII, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Probably is a -SA- alt
  2. How do you reset
  3. how to reset? drink acid lol! then u will reset, and pls dont farm -SA- :D
  4. don't email Devs, they never answer cause they dont care about u!
  5. Zach read this kaw admin's thread about reseting to reset click the reset tab at the bottom of your profile. You will lose everything except nobs, propacks and crystals. You get bonuses if you own all the low lands (lc'd) if you do not own the landsyou will not get bonuses
  6. meaning you will loose everything and will never be able to get it back!
  7. Floppy, you answered a different question :p
  8. Not really. He wanted to know how to reset, i told him with some more info
  9. Cause he is a retard lol!
  10. :shock: that was too far.
  11. i just noted fact :lol:
  12. I just didnt want him to think reset was great. I gave him more info so he can make an educated desision
  13. Reset can be great if you are willing to put in the effort.

    And FreeDJ, that wasnt fact, that was cruel.
  14. Life is cruel, get over it miss lol :lol:
  15. MISS!! ignore him he only wants attension. Egnore him and he will leave
  16. Of course i will leave...

    for lunch lol, but i will be back :) u cant get rid of DJ lol hes always here :)
  17. I wanna delete my account . But I can't why ??
  18. Your account is linked to your UDID, deleting the app wont do anything. When you re install the app your old account comes back.

    Try creating a PC account and transferring. That might work ;)