reset LeaderBoard

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Triple_XXX_Dog, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Yes I_love_Kaw is right, Peeka got over 5k nobs in exchange for his extra ally slots, it was on kaw_admin thread about the change, it's ally slots that are now capped at 550.
    After the initial 4 resets are done, the main reason for people doing resets was for ally slots, every reset 50 extra slots were rewarded. Then the extra Xstals and nobs were a good incentive too.
  2. Attack 
  3. ((((;゚Д゚)))))))
  4. <(•!•)>
  5. You are complete idiot to lose all your lands, crystals earned and time spent for a couple more crystals. why dont you idiots reset DARE YOU
  6. It was a joke man. Calm down
  7. Bam bam nobody is talking about resetting a HLBC account :roll:
  8. Youmadbro? Pure spy OP is stealing from me :lol:
  9. Thanks Bam...

    This idiots haha you said it... Your the best ever
  10. How did you fail with those stats??? :lol:
  11. I love farming example...New Meat idiot..lmao
  12. New meat? :lol: I've heard that too many times
  13. Get the idiot good bam bam... If I could hit the idiot I would for being stupid
  14. Why am I an idiot for being correct and showing you up?
  15. You didn't show no one up... That's why the devs nixed reset... Lol

    They were to easy and not worth the bonus you get for getting something you can do in a few hours
  16. Mod please lock BAM BaM thread from more idiot talk

    Mod and Bam Bam
  17. I don't understand your logic...

    And how you can't understand why resetting for cracks is easy cause you just said it only takes a few hours :lol: proves my point
  18. my point is why reset leaderboard should be taking away. Resetter can do a reset in a matter of hours. Hardly Legit.... :lol:

    And thankfully a resetter will no longer get rewarded...lmao...i love it :lol: :lol: :lol: