First Reset: 3% to Attk and Def Second Reset: 3% to Spy atk and spy def Third Reset: 5% to Attk and Def Fourth Reset: 5% to Spy Attk and Spy Def (each reset gives you 50 extra ally slots up until your SIXTEENTH reset.) Your Situation: Are you sure you didn't misread? You might not notice the 3% until you start building guilds.... -BWS-
Absolutely positive I got 3 percent to all stats after first reset. Doesn't jibe at ALL with what I'm hearing here. Like 100 million percent percent sure. Devs must have changed rules.
hey ok retard. go into the forums and find wulf's thread on resetting.. no1 here is smart... unless u count their ability to stop being lazy asses and checking forums. do u really have to be lazy at kaw.... I mean it's probably the majority of ur life Everyone else: "ur such a jerk" "don't be so rude about it" Me: "like I care... this is useless spam which gets pointlessly bumped. it's been bumped all day. gtfo and figure it out" "also... I'm a rude person >.>"
oh god fail... apparently I was wrong it's not it's own thread I'll save u some time >.> Forums>Questions/Feedback>About halfway down page 1>Thread on Resetting by kaw>Wulf has his guide posted there it even has pictures /endfail /endselfcorrection /endrant
op :3 maybe a bit late but I rant when I please >:3 I just made u waste time with like 1 second of scrolling :x
I don't think wulfs has anything on the extra allies. although I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere else
Not really but nice try. Barely took a split second. Anyway, you didn't bother to check yourself so don't call him lazy. Secondly, that's not his issue here. He asked for a guide at first, but later, he revealed that it wasn't exactly the problem, because what bothered him isn't that he doesn't know, but he thinks he got a glitch with KaW. So you obviously didn't read the whole thread. Again, what right do you have to call him lazy? Don't do rants, they can backfire easily.
I told him the answer on his wall already, so no worries about that. I've been searching through the threads. none of them talk about the maximum cap.
I prefer not to check back on my rants unless I have photobucket open in multitasking cough troll pics cough but I just looked backed. also I believe the ally max stops after 15 resets @ 50 more per reset. I'll try finding it too. I'm extremely positive I saw it somewhere
I think it's 15 too, but no solid proof, so it's an opinion for now. But pretty sure it's been tested and mentioned before.
Slight error here. It's a common mistake. Third Reset: 5% to Attack and Spy Attack Fourth Reset: 5% to Defense and Spy Defense