Moose, in a STRATEGY game you cannot count on things that may or may not be changed in FUTURE. Just for example: When the devs first announced EB drop items, they promised there would be a way to get them for those who are not patient enough to do those EBs. I'm stil waiting.
Let's put it this way. Not all players, including myself, have all the reset items. Heck I don't even have all the pro packs. Am I at a disadvantage? Yes and no. A player can have all the items in the game but you still have to understand game mechanics to a degree. I've successfully farmed players larger than me who obviously have more items than me. Let's be real OP. Are you planning on being a warrior or farmer? Because if you're not then having items is useless if you're not planning to war but have them in your trophy case.
I stil think that removing reset boni will stop people start new accounts. Why should anyone waste much time in a new account that can never grow as strong as existing accounts are?
Blunt you of all people should know what a variable is . Indeed if KAW had a 1v1 only then I could sort of understand but that concept is a rarity. I have reset as I'm sure quite a few have but I dont have all the packs nor items, onlyballies for max plunder only. Remember there are a lot of variables, other clan members , myth , potions , bfa etc Do I feel disadvantaged? Nope
@Op, unfortunately, the guys that have already got their bonuses are too ready to run you down, bro. They were the ones that started squealing when the bonus items were gonna be EB drops. They know fully well an 8% bonus to full stats is worth having. And they are quite happy for YOU not to have it. Hmmm, wonder why. 'Don't create a thread wasting forum space?' Lolwut? Gotta save space for the Goku vs Superman thread, the Pedo thread and the Human Centipede made-me-aroused-thread. Save space for quality threads like those? Yeah man, don't fill up forums, we'll run out space. Nah, thanks for postin' Op. So this is not just a fait accompli. Suggest you write simple message to feedback, or simple email to ATA. Keep the 'whine' out of it. Although, maybe a stream of, 'How dare you make reset items available as EB drops? It took me 4 years to do my resets! (I know that's longer than the game's been around. I'm factoring in time spent saving to buy an iPhone). I was heavily pregnant at the time... And had a broken leg... And... And a bad nose cold!' kind of cries is the stuff ATA reacts to. They certainly dropped EB drop idea fast.
Ty devs for the new achievement, now it is much easier to find an account to replace my useless resetter.
@darth- YOU can never have all the perm items because you didn't reset, so you are at some disadvantage