
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *________BALLS_____________ (01), Jan 18, 2013.

  1. I dont hate anyone but I hate bugs. Put a bug in my face and ill more than likely slap you.
  2. Oh. as soon as I saw the ops name was "zaftisgay", I knew that the post would be completely unbiased and relevant to the game, posted with a main. [/sarcasm]

    Well I'm under eighteen, so yeah I live with my parents. A lot of people who play 13/9 games often are at home still. :roll:

    What do you have against homosexuals? I know a few in rl, and it doesn't matter to me. They are completely the same as straight males.
  3. Fail :roll:
  4. At Farr,

    with one glaring difference :D
  5. 15% are Gay? Homophobic much...
  7. Well yeah, there is that. But otherwise no different.
  8. Op, your autobiography is of to a good start. I bet I could find a publisher for that.
  9. Im normally a helpful forumer, but this pissed me off. I'm NOT any of those things and so are a lot of other KaW players. And is it just me or do you play KaW?
    Noobs these days. Goodness
  10. I'm just a teenagers if I don't live with my parents where do I stay? :(
  11. You obviously go live by yourself in an apartment. I'm kidding. But seriously. There is nothing wrong with being gay.
  12. Rude and disrespectful. Forum ban.
  13. Once again I beat the odds. Screw you op!
  14. Yes it is sad about the welfare part I laugh at middle class and lower.
    If you're fat, that sucks treadmill will be your bestie
    If you still live with your parents and over 21 yeah it's sad.
    If you're gay, well some can't help it but its unfortunate.
    Lastly, we'll op I don't disagree with you 100% of the way but the percentages are a little off. XD but your opinion is yours. It's not nice but It don't break T o U have a nice life :) !
  15. :cry: op is calling me fat and says I live with my parents... :cry: :cry:

    Now honestly, I'm not the most in shape guy in the world. (I mean come on, 190 pounds at 5 foot 8)
    But that doesn't mean I can't pound you in a second.

    And also, as farr said, I live with my mommy and pops, because I am still a youngin! (Freshman bitches!)

    And, did you know that 75% of statistics are made up on the spot? :eek:
  16. ^sucking my dick at the moment
  17. att the stupid, no brain, and coward person that start this thread....

    1/. Be men enough to post with a main acct !!! But of course u will not ..

    2/ using a name like yours show how low brain you are, ( maybe no brain at all )...

    3/ maybe yes there's a lot of overweight players, or still with mum and dads, or even gay. As you say .... Maybe .. But is it YOUR problem ??? Don't think so...

    Now what about you ?! I would bet someone in. Your own family can fill in YOUR description... And i would win my bet !!!!

    so. Stop. Your insanity, your stupidity.. Go. Back. To. You real life, or your sand castle, or simply go back. To school !!!!

    KAW do not need people like you....l nore racist or else !!!

    KAW is a game a pure simple game!
