Requesting CF

Discussion in 'Wars' started by NW-_King-0f-Death_-ST, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Made good money on him rise?
  2. Wow Mare you noob, bet you feel real tough hitting someone who is barely strong enough to hit you back eh! Ur a joke lol
  3. I was helping Night.
  4. Well wouldn't have hit em if there admin wasn't such a smart ass noob she should watch what she says to someone 8x her size n yes i know Colin :) thanks mate
  5. I challenge you and you surrendered
    I have SS watch what you say

    And this time it will be a little bit different
  6. Ok? All your doing us dragging yourself into a 1v4  you started it you hit me so you can't complain when my friends are up your ass ;)
  7. You all suck! There especially nightmare! He plays with dolls
  8. I challenge you to a 1v1 nightmare.
  9. op, do you even lift?
  10. Bro do u even KaW?
  11. It's funny that TrueNightmare threatens everyone with his 'friends' :lol: :lol:
  12. What a girl
  13. @Zatt - His payout was alright 
  14. Lol no not exactly threatening anyone I was told if I was farmed to SS my hits n show so I'm doing as told :)
  15. And rise you hit me like 20times n then failed half n got 3 of your friends on me xD
  16. Lol night farmed me cause of what an admin said while i was asleep lol tfs u coulda just told her to shut it