Requesting a cf from jailbaitbarbie

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Miss_Pinky (01), Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. in response to something directed at me:

    by that, i originally meant "get clans involved".

    i will admit that i am the asshole on this one. i didn't check to see which clan he was dealing with.

    my bad on that.

    while i am here @jbb - seriously? the more i look at this the more you are making your clan family look bad. nothing but a coward that hides behind your clans rep. would be bad enough if you were farming someone your own size. but this? this is just a stain on the spartan clans.
  2. Only reason to create a thread like this is to rally your troops and support!


    I hit you on few occasions in the last 24hrs because of your ridiculous comments on the uprising apology thread to SE.

    That is how I react to dumb.

    The week before that, I hit you because you were on my clan mates wall claiming I was farming you, with my alt. That endlesssummer guy is not my alt, so I hit you.

    That is how I react to dumb.

    The week before that I hit you because you created a thread wanting a 1v1.
    I unloaded once and my wall got wet and you then went on to create thread claiming you were SE's clan farm. Most of SE could not even hit you. I found that silly, so I hit you a little more.

    That is how I react to dumb.

    Week before that I was hitting you 5 times a day, just for fun after reading your WWKPD thread 
    You even confirmed that on my wall.

    I apologize to those that read this thread an realize that you have just wasted precious minutes of your life.

    Love your Barbie girl 
  3. fair enough.

    will you leave it at that?
  4. Word, and this is why I like you, you can admit when you are wrong...

  5. And just for Barbie, I'll whip this out again.


  6. i only wish that i didn't have to do it so often. :lol:
  7. Word, don't be so harsh on yourself mate, you're a lot smarter than most on here...

    And you're that bit further forward again, because you actually listen (read :lol: )
  8. @Word,
    Admitting to ones short comings be they admittance of wrong doing or ignorance is a sign of intelligence and to be highly valued within a community.
  9. Anarchy, you used that meme wrong. :|
  10. @JBB
    You still haven't said what she has to do to get it to stop...
  11. Pot burn for lulz, only if he got he new pots thgh.,.
  12. Good job
    , barbie, of doing something about the all annoying rochindil. 
  13. So it looks like Ops general idiocy on the forums is being rewarded. Nice. 
  14. I did not pull the SE stuff out of my ass. My clan owner Sent a message to yours, and he was told I was a clan farm and that you were doing all the dirty work.
    Sorry, but you and endless summer consistently hit me at the same time, on a daily basis. So from my standpoint, he was either your alt or a merc you hired. Crazy coincidence otherwise.
    To everyone else, whatever. No matter what I say or what I do, no matter how many times I apologize, and try to start a fresh chapter, YOU are all the ones who hold grudges. You are the ones who twist the stories to make me look bad.
    I've tried being good, but even when I post something of value I'm called in idiot.
    Yet I'm the noob?
    You say the difference between a newb and noob is that newbs have the ability to learn.
    Good luck with that, when you refuse to let us learn from our mistakes and move on. Very mature to continue to throw every little thing I've done in the past in my face.
  15. Also, I realize you're burning pots, but thanks for the 30 failed incoming hits, touch_me. I'm expected to 1v1 jbb now, but people who aren't even involved in the situation feel compelled to attack me.
    I'm still waiting for your cf terms, jailbait. And I'm waiting for this thread to be locked too, because nothing is going to get done with all the 'anklebiters' crawling out to get involved. You can wall me if you decide to let it go already 
  16. This is an abject lesson in the fact there is always more than there seems. Roch, do yourself a favour now and disappear into the night. Respect for anarchy and word for standing by their opinions. 
  17. 
    This thread is funny
  18. Alright my 2 cents.

    Word: props for learning from a mistake and admitting you read wrong. Takes a big man (or woman) to do so and shows someone valuable to the forum community.

    Roch: I'd wall or pm a few mods and ask them to get thread locked if it's not locked already.

    Anarchy: props for standing by your position wether it was agreed with by others or not.

    Basically what I'm seeing is miscomunication and misinformation has wasted a lot of peoples time and troops.
    JBB I think you made your point about now. Roch was being irritating to you so you hit. Posted stuff you didn't like so you hit again. I think now that youhaveexplained why the hits occurred then she will stop doing things you deem dumb.

    My opinions on hats I've seen. Agree or disagree, I don't mind.

    Farr out
  19. To anyone still confused: I honestly wasn't looking for help when I posted this... Just an answer from jbb. I figured if I posted a forum, jbb would answer. It worked. I got my answer. That's all I wanted, no more, no less.
    Obviously this thread isn't Locked already, so I will now wall every mod :lol:
  20. Every thread you make always ends bad for u, why not just quit forums?
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