Requesting a cf from jailbaitbarbie

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Miss_Pinky (01), Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. I don't need you to tell me how to make it stop. I'm asking jbb.
    I am too weak to hit jbb back. I run a training clan. I have tried walling him. None of your suggestions are relevant.
    Guess -you- no listen gud.
  2. you are officially a noob.

  3. How am I a noob? I have already tried doing everything you suggested.
  4. look. there are only 3 options.

    1) defend yourself
    2) talk it out privately
    3) ignore it

    anything else makes you a noob.

    sorry. i don't make the noob rules.
  5. Word waster, only the 3rd option seems viable.
  6. Perhaps refer to jailbaitBARBIE as a female and not a male... If you are referred to as a male constantly and you're not would you say something? Maybe her way of Dealing is by hitting you.
  7. and the 3rd option is what i advised him to do.
  8. You really haven't read this guys posts have you word?? Can't hit back, won't respond to his posts, and he's tried ignoring him to no avail!!! My suggestion to you, stay off this guys forum with your stinky advice if you have nothing constructive to say!
  9. I agree with Jac, perhaps her feelings were hurt by your constant use of him/he.
  10. oh. also op is a noob for giving a quick link to the person farming him. but that is another issue.
  11. Lucifer, he's not ignoring it bro, look at the OP of this thread
  12. Let me try this one more time, word waster:
    1) I am too small to hit back.
    2) I have tried settling this privately. He ignored me.
    3) this has been going on for almost a month. I have ignored it, until recently.

    So guess what? I tried fighting back. I tried settling it privately. I tried ignoring it. And the hits continue. Is that so difficult to understand?

    @JBB- I'm requesting a lock on this thread now. You've seen it, so I'm out. Obviously I've set myself a troll trap. I'm sorry for whatever I did to you to offend you so badly. Follow me back or wall me if there's anything I can do to alleviate this situation. Might just be my female hormones showing through, but I hate letting a grudge go unresolved for so long, and I want to fix it.
  13. oh. also op is a noob for raging at people for trying to give him advice.
  14. If you actually read the thread Eric, you'd see he had, hence why he is now in the forum!!
  15. no man. read the wall. the truth is always on the wall.
  16. Oh yes. Because I'm raging so hard right now. Lol. See, Anarchy? I told you :) attempting to rationalize only gets me ganged up on.

    Another side note to jailbaitbarbie: if you truly are a female, and not a male, I apologize for my repeated use of the word 'he' but I thought I recall seeing you post that you're a male once, and that you use the name jailbaitbarbie to troll people into thinking you're a girl. If that wasn't you, and I'm thinking of someone else, I'm so sorry >.< I hate being called 'he' all the time too.
  17. I'm pretty sure jbb is a she....
  18. Lol. Actually word, you've tried to get him to rage, and he hasn't... Your advice was barely that, and you've really showed your intention to jump on a thread purely to de-rail it. Now word.... Sssshhhhhhhh
  19. you are misreading me.

    read jailbaitbarbie's wall and then tell me how the op is ignoring this.
  20. Lucifer what would you suggest to him? This appears to be pretty text-book bullying.
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