Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Spilatch, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. How about that Allie chat would be turned to war recruitment talk
  2. It's actually a clever idea. I see very well a feature a bit like the battle list button, but instead called the merc list button where an admin can go thru a list of mercs available for the next war. Those mercs would have to have some kind of personnel prestige showing ee experience and an invite button. For the merc to be on the list he would just need to cast the wave of conflicts and be clanless just like indi wars. Mercs with experience will see themselves offer many invites to chose from and the one with no experience will have to build it to get more invites. There would have to be some kind of restriction on the number of invites a clan can send out to avoid spamming with invites all the mercs.
  3. Very well thought idea. Support.
  4. Hey chop suey. Get the **** away from my ally chat 

    This is a good idea, they could just use it like the search allies function.
  5. Yeah a good idea, just like 100 other good ideas that were never considered.
  6. You might want mercs do mercs want you though? How many times do u get asked to war somewhere for a clan to let a noob build war and compensate for ur tank build. Just best to look traditional way and u can merc for those u trust
  7. Why?

    Wc does this job perfectly fine, it's not like wc isn't already full of clan ads so is it really that huge of a deal?

    Also we all know that there is a certain clan that will spam you with invites and claim they didn't see their clannies invites lol

    Devs could be working on much more important things so no support.
  8. You got that right!!! and will never do!! :|
  9. Full support
  10. Spil,

    I like the idea, but let's spread that a little further. Have options for OSW merc, Strip merc, Farming merc, and eb mercs as well. Have it encompass the entire aspect of Kaw. With a filter option to fit your specific needs by war, eb, Osw, and stats. Possibly by encompassing all aspects of kaw the idea could get enough support to possibly gain acknowledgment from the Devs. That could truly enrich the Kaw experience. Take Kaw back to the days of clans actually warring together just to war and build a rep.

    Great idea bud! 