As usual no reply from the ever so watchful devs, they will do as they always do and tell you to email support and then "support" will give you the link to the forums and tell you "We appreciate your ideas, suggestions and concerns, however, we encourage you to be vocal and post your thoughts on the forums." And btw that's a copy and paste. Thanks devs for at least explaining things that are asked to the player base and not avoiding the hard questions like why do the devs suck so much. ---- end of noob like rage ----
Lol. I posted Kaw Admins Season 3 week 13 thread. In general its not hit ratio transparency you need its more clans warring. More clans = more match ups. Regretfully all you get from transparency in hit ratios is more Rosta stacking, which is turn leads to less clans warring and more no Match ups. To war you need GH/SH and LB combo nowadays. The system and they way peeps stack creates the issue. We have a system that excludes players n builds from warring. Thats the real issue.
that may be the issue but the problem is that the current matchup system allows this stacking and even promotes and rewards it. If that problem is solved, more clans will start warring again because more builds will be useful
Agreed Bomb. And Kaw_admin is complicit in this as well, actually advising player to change their rosta's for a match up. The system EXCLUDES peeps from warring
The bit about the xtals is a bit kf a kill joy but i support the arguement-> tell the ppl how to change, not just that they need to
again the no matchers have no reason to complain in my eyes they are high majority of the stacking gh/lb clans the unlucky ones that didn't get a fixed match or a match that barely made it through the alg that probably shouldn't have lols... i seriously don't see why those that get the no match are complaining other then not getting rancor that they don't deserve anyhow due to cheating the system the devs have put in place... i assure u the low hit ratio etc... every one of them are stacked gh/lb clans that didn't get the easy match... on a side note.. rh and a few others still stacking gh/lb's but throw in a few "mids" to get matches... jsut saying
Still no response from the devs? Gee, there's a big surprise. Skip put together a very well thought out and researched thread, backed up with hard data. Devs don't have to give us their "top-secret" matching algorithm, for crying out loud. Just something to point us in the right direction. Saying "model your clan roster to match against clans one or two above or below yours" doesn't cut it. Not when clans (ours included) still end up getting matched against another clan 10-15 ranks in difference when they're lucky enough to GET a match. Meanwhile there is an abundance of clans in between who draw a no match due to "poor hit ratio." It makes no sense, and it's frustrated a good many clans from even bothering to try anymore, ours included. Come on devs... Work WITH us here. There are some pretty bright people in the Kawmunity. Together, a solution can be found that works for everyone send makes wars once again what they USED to be... Fun. ️
Devs Like skippy said UM has added mids, less SH, more SH , less lb, more lb, nothing has gotten us more of a chance to matchup then the other. That's why this thread was posted. We don't know what else to try.
Support anything that ACTUALLY makes devs do thier job and work once in a while .. Any help (transparency) that makes clans build rosters that can war and not tvp would b useful .. That beng said .. Less is what we will get if that .. It's time for a vote of no confidence in Ata developers and management .. kUSh is best