repeat button

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _Sinan_, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Re: repeat ****

    What will happen when it runs outta bullets then no more repeat until u put in new bullets

    Go ahead check my clan history and btw are u calling my clan a eb clan just wondering
  2. Re: repeat ****

    And btw I rarely hit ebs any more except to pin and how about gerp u grow and we can see who the real stupid person and a failure is cmon
  3. What happens when you run out of troops? Same as reloading In. Fact of the matter is that it is a repeat button.

    No denying that you've never shot a gun?
  4. Re: repeat ****

    Umm yes I have shot a gun and no it wasnt Call of Duty or any other game but a actual gun not a bb or airsoft gun either
  5. Re: repeat ****

    Gerp do u think my clan is a eb noob only clan that allows me in awnser the question
  6. Your clan affiliation has absolutely no relevance to answering a question or posting an opinion.
  7. Re: repeat ****

    MGK He said I was a eb noob and I awnsered all his questions as far as I could tell
  8. Being in a war clan doesn't necessarily make you exempt from the title of "EB noob".
  9. Re: repeat ****

    Ok MGK check my eb history

    Last post on this forum as the forum was derailed

    Gerp try growing so you can back up Ur words with actions

    MGK u can show my famous WC ad if you want

    Good bye now

    Sinan if u read this hit me with Ur best shot
  10. ..... i need a sec to compose myself -takes a deep breathe-

    ok, so, you my dear, do you understand what the game you're playing is called?
    whats it's ment to be?
    ebs are an very recent thing actually. yah a lot of us have used them to grow for eq how ever. Not all mind.
    a repeat button would not be good for pvp. would you like to know why?

    this is supposed to be a war game. as such both party's involved in say a war should be able to have some reaction time. your connection maybe slow, or faster, that'll vary the amount of time to respond a lot. but would you be good if some one could pin you with cash out in under 30 seconds flat?

    the idea of being able to do a repeat buton for pvp is cute and all but... it's not fun if they can't hit back. great system for bullies mind.

    a repeat buton for pvp would actually do the reverse of making pvp more popular. if some one has your pin time, they catch you coming up you'll never make it back off the ground. who's going to want to go out of there way to pvp when one person minimal planning can put them down and make it as close to impossible as it gets to get up. it's one thing when its several people, preplanned and it catches you off guard. you still have some time to respond be it by putting up cash or hitting back tell "dtw"

    the game in point of fact mainly revolves around money. if the devs made better money off of us warring they'd push for war.

    btw in point of fact we are not a tiny amount of people.
    we've been around long enough to remember what this game is for. it's not so you can kill a pig.
    else whats the point of it being multiplayer/interactive game?
    we're not the loudest groups we just have reasonable reasons why we're against.
    what's your reason for again? oh yah so it's quicker and you can play less on that aspect.
    in a fashion you don't even play in of course.

    side note. wars happen because people are selfish/ignorant/hot headed ect. we need the population control any ways.
  11. Re: repeat ****

    Shut the **** up and eschargot
  12. You told me to grow so here I am, gerpums main. I am a proven farmer and there is no questioning that. I actually have my 900 defenses achievement unlike you. Iv been attacked over 12k times with out being an osf. I joine before the war system and before the building rebalance, and I am nearing my 3 year kawiversary. Iv been farming for over 2 years as well as many old forumers will confirm. Shal I go clear off gerpums's wall and show you where I solo'd fighting a clan and got 2 (3? I don't really remember) appologys on my wall before I had to go inactive. Saddly the clan is inactive now too. One of gerpums's old names was lllllllllFARMlllllllll. Im ex-wig, ex-pure evil, and I was just helping foxes with regulators. (regs is a respectable war clan and they did win) and now I am re potting in a eb clan I don't know. Iv been farming more and longer and better than you, but Saddly I dont have time for a 1v1, as I must leave kaw again next Monday because I had a life. Don't think your a great farmer with your 2k wins and 35 successful defenses.
    You think you know more about guns than me? It's deer season here.
    sorry for bad quality, it's night and the iPods camera sucks.

    Iv said it my self, forumers are full of them selves. I'm a long time forumer.
  13. See above post
  14. I will continue to post from this account because the connection is far better on this iPod.

    Finally someone who can type with intelligence! I can talk with respect to you unlike that other idiot.

    Believe me I know how war works. Any advantage in pinning faster goes both ways, so you can do it too. Pinning faster hardly would affect wars because much of the attacks are strips (were talking osw right?) which are done when the opponent is offline. When pinning people who are online, they can pin you back just as fast so this would just cancel out. In system war... Well I don't want to go here. Currently there a joke. The estoc wars sounds like a huge improvement from turtle wars, all though I have not had the chance to try it out yet, in any case pinning is not your priority in syst wars as your entire purpose is to find those who aren't pined and make money off them.
  15. Re: repeat ****

    Umm, what is that picture of?
  16. Deer that I got yesterday with a sign saying gerpums on. It's pretty **** ing hard to get a good picture at night with a iPod camera. Just had to show camouflage.
  17. Floppy donkey dtw. :(
  18. Re: repeat ****

    A deer? How?! I see a rabbit painted on a foot with google eyes on it.