Discussion in 'Strategy' started by --gone--, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Lolzno.
  2. That wasn't at alpha, it was at GoldenElfGod.

    And SUPPORT! Sent feedback.
  3. support 
  4. Absolutely NOT.

    Sure, it might be good for the attacker--but what about the attacked? If you're good, when someone's doing a full unload on you, you can typically catch it partway through and start hitting 'em back. You don't get much, but you deter them slightly and depending on stats might win.
    With a button like in ebs they have no chance.

    So no. It's totally unfair.
  5. No support. Are you all REALLY that lazy?
  6. NAW BRUH!!!

    Can you imagine being hit and pinned in 5 seconds and not being able to do anything about.

    Because by the time your phone receives the message. Some is attic your kingdom, go and defend it.

    There is nothing to defend.

    Yo ass is pinned
  8. Support
  9. Yessssssssssss support :3
  10. Lmao. Not happening
  11. No support. It sounds nice but makes the game too easy for an attacker. it takes a lot of the risk of attacking out of the game when you can hit yourself to pin before your target knows what has happened.

    Before you know it people will be demanding the devs to allow botting so they can grow quicker or stay in pin when not playing
  12. They have it on EB, may as well stop being an EB whore and do PvP.
  13. Bad idea...
  14. No support
  15. Martyn, I'll fail farm you! Or get the DTS message. I'll go there. :p