I would support because of my own greed. But this would cause even more disruption. Theres already a huge gap because of consistent Land and upgrade releases before anyone is ready for them. This allows Leaderboard players to upgrade and BC fast due to spending cash easily. Theres nothing wrong with dropping cash to support the game. But its come to the point nobody has a chance on this F2P game. 50% Promo does help right now for all players with the opportunity to afford spending the same amount of cash a LB player. Due to limitation of xtal usage all players have a chance of equal growth. The max cash a player can drop a week I believe is 20k USD. So imagine the amount a LB player can spend in two days especially in fast hte clans like during the feather promo. The Gap is even worse of a problem when the majority of players fight for their position on kaw already. They do this because of the Lands and Upgrades being released too fast, AND because during the release the builds the majority players finally completed are then cut in half. Because of this, players who do not put in as much time and effort are allowed to upgrade faster and with less time and money as the majority kaw players. Again it is a good idea devs allowed because beginner players dont have a chance, but those who slack were able to upgrade T5 at a faster rate and catch up to many mid players. So mid players must put more time, cash, and effort to maintain the position they earned. What would be a good idea though, what devs have done in the past, is to allow 9 xtals per eb and double the xtal usage to 48. Sorry if this doesn't make sense.. Its new years lol.
No support. Another way for more money to flow into the ekawnomy, as if there already isn't enough. ヽ༼◐ل͜◑༽ノI'M IN LOVE WITH THE COCOヽ༼◐ل͜◑༽ノ
No support devs are already making so much cash its stupid have yet to see improvements for new players