Remove the (no soilder) Block

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by E-nigma, May 17, 2014.

  1. I think Ireland should depart the UK.
  2. There isn't going to be much a UK when Scotland becomes independent
  3. *awaits start of historical correction process*

  4. Scotland won't become independant, it would cause irreparable damage to both parties involved
  5. Ireland isn't part of the uk  Northern Ireland is, not the rest
  6. Scotland won't be independent. I think a more worrying issue is leaving the EU because of ******* UKIP. 
  7. It's happening if you like it or not it's already been declared it will happen
  8. Scotland* omfg iFail 
  9. Lol wolfie, a referendum, you do know how a democratic country works? Leaving the eu may happen regardless of ukip now, don't think it matters who is in power, will prob be the people that decide
  10. I know so cos I'm going to be needing a passport to get to Scotland later in the year :roll:
  11. I thought this topic was about being pinned!?

    **** does UK have to do with that?
  12. Not if your in the uk wolfie, the referendum hasn't happened yet, Scotland is still part of the UK.
  13. Thread has been taken over by a new topic. Enjoy the ride 
  14. Scotland's independance has to do with the uk's armed forces, so technically as the OP referred to England (assuming he meant the uk) it's still on topic... Just about
  15. Yeah it still is part of the UK but they have decided they are going to be and soon the chances are going to come
  16. No... Wolfie I don't know where your getting your info.. But here you go.

    Referendum: 9th sept 2014

    If yes, independence date: 26th march 2016

    So unless you've taken a time machine, be quiet.

    Also the polls ATM are leaning slightly towards a unified UK rather than an independent Scotland.

    Source: ... 8?irpc=932
  17. Rio, I've picked up the same sort of news, it's so far in favour of remaining unified.


    Despite the Scots letting 16 year olds vote...
  18. There a lot of change tbh, I don't see why they have they're own parliament, but hey? I'm no expert  read some interesting articles on how much damage it would do both countries, mostly financial / military problems.

    IMO, stay united, leave the EU, create better trade agreements with china / USA.