Balto how will new players get a start build then?? The best way to do it is for smalls to go ps (guilds) That way they don't need mp to make money Then do SOS lvl1's ASAP, particularly once you get hte once or twice Good plunder, then buy pots and allies and get a sub factory Boom problem solved #Smart #TheWayIGrewMyAlt
Chop they would rather much have old players with guaranteed cash than a few noobs who are free2play I'm js tho That's also why if a noob gets a seal they can't use it because their hp on a bar of seal is like -1 not -92 like bigs
Good idea. Better yet, have the new player spell include plunder bonus. And once it expires the player must hire.
theres no real profit from just selling an ally. you have to repeat the process at a respectable rate. example: wait for an ally to become available, hire ally for mp. hit eb once for 1mill. ally gets hired, you make 50k gold. next attack on eb 600k. looks for ally. 5-10 minutes later one is available. hit eb, repeat all steps again. the numbers are arbitrary but they represent the point im making. new players need to play. not fight a broken market.
Agreed The KaW economy has changed a lot than it was a year ago the struggle to grow to get a decent amount to start making plunder is difficult more than ever
In the beginning it was only one of two ways to make gold. Ally trade and PVP. That's why there are allies volleyed beyond reason. The ally market from 10k-1b is a shredder after 1b it dies. This leaves thousands maybe 100's of thousands of accounts that are purged. KaW created most of them to feed the market in the first place. Then they reset and you lose the gold. Maybe that's a backdoor way of discouraging it? But they punish everyone for not providing enough allies. Taking the money out of volleying would accomplish the problem but at the expense of the people they were trying to help, the ones struggling to hit Warbeasts. (Darn shrinking window on the iPad, copy/paste not working,. Hopefully the devs will fix this after they cash our money and buy Christmas presents)
Support, new account been hitting ROTWB w/ zero allies what a waste, non exist fix it law otherwise you have finite community
I think it's time this was addressed or how else will new players grow? Make allies a requirement after Lowlands. To unlock Highlands you need to hire a 10 BIL ally or whatever amount devs feel appropriate.
My friend who I turned on to the game hasn't been able to find a 50m ally in A WEEK. Those he gets are like an unlocked car in downtown LA. Gone in 60 seconds. I figured out as a gh his best bet is to steal down the battle list for money against new att builds. I guess we have to revise the age old formula of growing w forges, and start everyone off as a guild hansel and forget about quests for a while. How about BARRING anyone over 1m CS from buying allies under 2B.
The devs suggested I get popular support for this issue on the forums. What this means is they do not grasp the extent of the problem. I've had now two friends quit playing over not being able to find an ally or grow.
im sure all available resource are on it. as soon as the janitor finishes "app games for dummies" he'll have it sorted.
They grasp it, they just don't care in my opinion. They didn't fix this in another game they had, and if it was top of their list of things to do Grant and the others would have done something about this already, they have not. Fun Fact: this was one of the major reasons why Future Combat was ultimately closed; Player Attrition (Primarily due to lack of low ally availability for new players)
They effect of losing a player today means you lose revenue over the next 5 years. There is a intellectual gap between the programmers and business model of a healthy successful company. If I were CFO of ATA I would recognize that this issue may not impact me this second, because new players don't spend in today dollars. But I would also recognize that the players starting today will eventually become spenders down the road to replace the veteran players who dwindle in their spending over time. There is a core understanding of what makes a company successful both in longevity and the bottom line. I said and warned (even resigned as mod hoping that it would make clear the impact of not addressing this issue) about not fixing the lack of allies at the lower tier, it wasn't taken seriously then and it's clearly not being taken serious now. If I didn't care to see or recognize the impact of this problem I would just keep my mouth shut. I was not quiet about the issue then and I'm certainly not quiet about the issue now. Perhaps suggestions like increasing quest payouts to match T1 EB say 15-20m per hit on the low side would help, or adding a 1,000% plunder spell to the new player badge and maybe there is an idea not expressed in this forums thread. Pull your heads out of your *** devs and fix this issue that is now 2 years running or you will lose more new players to your competitor games like ______ (don't want the ban, but you can fill in the blank) I really have to stop reading this thread, nothing gonna happen and it just upsets me to read and comment on this topic. It's a shame too, because I really do enjoy ATA games. I just hope players (new players) will be around in 5 years to enjoy it with me. ️️Shady