I think that stats should have ally price limits. Absolutely no reason why a 10mill Cs account needs a 10mill ally. None. Let small stats have cheap allies and make a market floor based on stats
Make the 1 week newb spell that gives them the grey name also give them max plunder. One week is enough time to make gold to hire an ally.
ive been agreeing with this for the last week or so. its simple. no redesign of how the rest of us play kaw.
Maybe ATA should advertise to bring in players or offer Pimd a health note bonus of they make a KaW account and vice versa. Bring in a crap load of new players and new allies.
The STRIP mechanic that makes allies vulnerable and allows people to be farmed out of the game is one reason I think they justify leaving it in. As I mentioned earlier, the BFA is too small to overcome BFE. BFA is vulnerable to strips. Pots and equipment isn't. I think a lot of people would complain if the strip mechanic was removed, which would happen since allies are no longer needed. So I don't think removing the ally requirement to obtain max plunder is the right idea. The average Time to keep an ally under 1b is about a minute. Hopefully you keep it long enough to unload. I like the idea of an ally spell mentioned. But it should stay up as long as needed. Like any change in the game, people will figure out a way to take advantage of it. The spell would be least obtrusive if it expired when the kingdom hit say 500m CS.
Except to make the "fund generation for stripping on osw" process possible. Flexibility of ally prices is necessary for rolling funds and later for stripping targets. Changing this would be as damaging and outrageous to the shrinking pvp player base as an opt out spell that protects you from being hit. Of course based on that the devs will probably run with your idea. It hurts pvp and protects EB fairies. Looks like the win-win combo the devs look for in their "updates" & "solutions".
But there are other ways to bank and like I said, what is 10-500 mill to a 10 mill CS account? But it is everything to a new one. I'm not saying have outrageous limitations just realistic ones. As far as the "fund generation" part, that is what EBs are for. War is for fun. Stripping would still be possible, they just wouldn't have as many small/undesirable allies. I don't see it doing too much damage to the system considering that there aren't any cheap allies like that now anyway, but when more come it would promote growth for noobs
new players need to be vollied. what they dont need is to have to worry about finding 500k and under allies. a solid day or two at max plunder should be more than enough to raise them above and up to a healthier ally market.
Here we go I'm trying to help a player grow standard is to buy 10-20m ally, and forges. How many 10-20m allies on the market?
Easy way to make money? U mean easy way to make money if they ever even find an ally I checked 1bil and many below that found 3 total in 5 mins of looking and those were all above 50mil
Few weeks ago I said that line on world chat. Guess what ? A mod instantly silenced me. New mods are butthurt
It is obvious you have never been in an OSW clan. (Or at least not a competent one). So I will not go into great detail other than to say you are very wrong. Front line banks rely on being able to hire small allies from the banks. These allies are then sold to clan members so they can take large stripped allies off of the front line banks freeing up funds for the next strip. This money laundering system is essential to good warfare and requires flexibility and buying whatever allies are necessary. Also limiting what the players can be stripped by the strippers because their allies are in a specific range would also be injurous to the OSW system. Don't like the state of the market or how it is killing kingdoms at war? Try pointing the finger at the actual cause. Out of control inflation caused by HTE (and constant plunder boosting events) with no equalizing force. The Kawmunity slits its own throat when an event is created that has the ability to return balance to the "gold in gold out" system through true pvp by crying so much the event is nerfed and shortened. Don't like the result of EB inflation? Maybe stop making kaw only about EB.
But when you find it this allie is immediatly bought so it is a little profit easy to get even you don't find 1b allie all the time