As a new player, I haven't been able to hold onto any allies at all. I've grinded on volleying at least 700 new players from the 10k range to the 300m range since yesterday to get to 1b faster. During that time, some player kept stealing from me. I think he was saying something about surrogate mothers on my wall. I don't know if it's still there as I write this post- I may have deleted it. I guess I should be nicer to Cody. I don't know. Also, I poured all my money into Healing Aura but my clan TCE didn't do Reckoning for the whole day today, just B2B BR, which only gave me a measly 1m each EB because all I could do was assa. The last time I poured 200 Healing Auras into Reckoning, which was yesterday night, the EB rewards made me 700m. I have more than 2000 Healing Auras now. tl;dr: I think that I'm good to go once I do a few Reckonings, start holding onto allies at the 1B range and make better money by ally trading.
Support, devs should throw in some "mock" allies that cap at 500m and disappear granting the owner 90-100% gold back when they reach let's say 100kcs
Hey Devs! You gonna learn from your mistakes and inaction from FC? Or will you let the same mistakes happen in KAW? Ironic how history is repeating itself, a precut is to a larger issue... You need npc/bot allies in KAW now looks like lol FC'ers already know how your inaction on this issue will play out - Shady ️
I agree, but there is a percentage of new bogus accounts that the Devs inject into the game so new players can have allies. Not sure if it's done weekly or daily, but they do it. Plunder on.
Creation of NPC/Bot allies stopped in 2011 after Naz left ATA, and the new development team failed to address this issue in FC, which <cough cough> they never understood the impact of not utilizing npc/bot allies for Maxp for new players, etc. Rest assured, history will repeat itself here in KAW
Just get rid of this whole ally plunder requirement to begin with. Put everyone on max plunder for their build whether or not they have allies. Allies would then be just for bfa.
They (ATA) should also be creating npc/bot LCBC allies to address the gold inflation issue, yet another symptom leading to the downfall of FC - you have players generating gold everyday, massive amounts and without a place to put it safely, it leads to conflicts / strip wars, and thus attrition and ultimately player base diminishing. I have offered preventative measures over my many years as moderator in FC and even step down in protest to them NOT addressing this issue for new players - so the question is, will ATA finally listen and do something or will their inaction on this issue lead to a diminishing player base in their cash cow?
And what's the point of punishing a player by removing thier maxp via strips - impractical idea imo based on current game mechanics
Oh and by the way - Dev's answer to this issue in FC was doubling plunder off quests, which I forcefully told them was not enough - they needed to have quests payout in the range of a the KAW equivalent of a Warbeast First Hit or slightly less in order for a new player to generate enough gold to buy a maxp ally and be able to participate in EBs for the payout on the backend. Devs did not want to "inject that much gold at the new start level" <but I suppose 100/200% and other plunder bonuses at the top end are okay> Devs have their KaWnomics backwards and the need to be expanding the player base at the bottom
I doubt there will be change as long as they are bankrolling the addicts sufficiently. I'm not even buying buildings. I'm waiting for hf to mature and the demand for new lands will pressure the DEVS to drop the building prices to keep hflc's an growing players happy. I've unlocked some lands and just wait it out Also, BFE is so high now BFA is losing meaning.
This may be way out there, but here goes..... What if the gold you make from volleying was eliminated? You just get returned what you put in? Price still goes up each hire....this would actually reduce the amount of gold in play and eventually drop the ally market back to a manageable level if implemented. People would be less likely to volley noobs to rediculous amounts, simply because they get nothing out of it, really. Clarification--the owner would make nothing off of having an ally hired away other than the gold he had hired the ally with, nothing extra. Thoughts?
I support new players having a better chance to start out, ally market for them is rough. What about giving new players a max plunder spell for a certain amount of time once they start (48hrs or so) to give them help starting. This also teaches them what max plunder can do for them. With help and encouragement from clan mates hopefully the new players will save some to purchase an ally that is in the bottom end of our current market to keep or regain max plunder once spell times out. Open for more suggestions was just a quick thought!