@Blood__Kingdommm @-llIRaDIIillAnZIIl- If you take the time to actually read the thread, you can see that the proof you are requesting is on page 5. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=129846&start=30
hmm comparing cases from months ago is rather inconsistent considering that the technology would have been updated from then. Also HoG also have plenty of paying customers why would they be biased? this isn't between ZAFT and mb and pb this is between ATA and mb and pb. @kaw_admin is this technology recent?
@-oOz- You may request the clan ownership to be moved to another clan member, should the need arise. Have at least three admins request this via the feedback button and state the desired new owner (can't obviously be themselves).
@CassidyUltima Your case was over 7 months ago. Since that time, we have implemented this new system of bot verification in order to eliminate cases just like yours. This is why we have posted this information, to explain to the community exactly what is going on and the improvements we've made to identify cheaters. As any player can see if they read the details, this system makes the detection and identification of bots much easier.
I did not know that Still, an LB clan(or any, but LB is special considering the amount of money it's players spend) who has their owner banned should have the ownership passed automatically to the top admin(strength wise) easiest way to determine who gets it.
@kaw_admin It is great to see you speaking so openly on this thread about this issue, I would just be careful people are going to expect this on every thread you post! You have gave your evidence and defended your decision but this will just go on and on with various arguments! Surely from no your decision is purely between the apparent cheaters and yourselves, lets leave it at that! Don't use bots and you have nothing to worry about fellow KaWers! Its not worth it!!
@IiIVengeanceIlI I just looked up your account. You were never banned. Stop spreading false information.
My BANK was banned. Ffs this isnt even my main. Oh and good job deleting the post that defamed u :FLAMEON: