Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 20, 2013.

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  1. You have a very good point! Why would people want to strip a banned account? That make no sense!! By all means, an account is banned mean everything in there is lost....

    Of course, unless people know that the account will re-open at any time, that is another story....

  2. Nope. Hahahahaha

    They strip the accounts so their growth clans and alts can grow from the gold which is out.

    It's very very obvious that you are an EB noob n have never hit off the battle list.

    In Haunting I make 35m GPH
    If I hit an Inactive like PoppaBear, I make over 69m GPH. Yummylicious.
  3. In an EB, you can unload 6 Mithrils. Out of clan, or in a clan not yet running EB, you can unload 24 Crystals per day.
  4. Stay on topic MaleStone,This is about botting not How much you make on a Hansel vs EB.
  5. “There’s more to being a warrior than killing. A true warrior — the best warrior — isn’t cruel or mean. He doesn’t claw an enemy who can’t fight back. Where’s the honor in that?”
    ― Erin Hunter, Forest of Secrets
  6. For whatever reason
  7. "There has been an increase in people using bots".
    A couple of questions for you all to think about.
    5m (or so I have been told) registered accounts.
    Only 2 accounts found guilty of botting?
    That's a very small percentage in the overall scheme and if it is the increase, then there was only 1 account botting before?
    Where are the other accounts that are botting? Why aren't they named and shamed?
    Is the timing a coincidence. 2 members of the same clan fighting the current biggest war with the majority of LB players?
    Even speaker of truth would find it hard (but he will) to dispute that the timing of this is somewhat coincidental.
    For the record, I do not condone cheating in any way, shape or form, all should be dealt with exactly the same way.
  8. Is it already time to roll out the conspiracy theories!?

    Laoda is a dev!
    I knew it!
    In that picture posted of the ATA founders from left to right it goes laoda, cella, redstar
    AKA the illuminati
  9. You've still somehow managed to completely skirt the issue here:

    You HAVE falsely accused people in the past.
    You HAVE reimbursed SOME of them their losses.
    What are the criteria surrounding these exceptions?

    For the record you also sent a clan mate of mine one of your: "Reply immediately as we think you may be botting" messages just the other day while he was on an iPhone. You must be getting a lot of "tips" of our high value players during this OSW.
  10. @kaw admin

    Whatever ur decisions are to be for banning accounts. I hope that u have legal documents to show that u can do it and with sufficient evidence. More so if players have spent something on that account which makes it their intellectual property.

    I am not a lawyer. But I doubt that you have legal rights to ban someone, resulting in them losing what is "spent money" vs game money. Even of your tou stats no botting.

    Give an example.
    U park your car in a mall shopping centre. It gets damaged. Signs are all over saying management reserves the right to not be involved. Still. If a lawsuit continues, the mall may still have to pay for the damages if the involved can prove that the mall did not do enough to prevent such an incident from happening.

    KAW is an app. A game. What do u gain from banning people? Even if u do. U should do so discretely. So long as the player who owns the app pays for certain parts of the game. It belongs to them. Not u.

    As a neutral party to the zaft and apoc Osw. I sincerely hope that as devs, U should somehow compensate for what Moma and popa lost. What u did was to a certain extent, hoisting your own petard. Making bad out of a good intent.

    I've been to a few Osw. And this banning than stripping method I feel, has always been a cheap shot. And whoever feels that stripping popa and Moma this way make u pro, I beg to differ.

  11. The kaw admin already put up tos well clearly in the game and we are playing this game with rules that is already implemented. There is no question for this. They already created the best mechanism of detecting bots to prevent cheaters from taking advantage and to protect normal players like us who are playing kaw daily and every hours to increase our stats. If you dont agree with the the terms and conditions posted by the devs, then just quit the game and go and play something else. This game is the safest and well maintained game tyat i have ever played and the atmosphere created in this game is great. I dont think the devs wanted to punish anybody by simply banning them. You must have done something wrong in whichit went against the tos and you get what you deserved. So, please follow the rules, play with good norms and enjoy the game.
  12. -oOz-: LOOOOOOOOOOL. 
  13. :D kaw admin, nice work explaining how auto clicks are detected and banning the 2 bears that bent the rules. Consider that they are leaders of heart of gold clan, their followers might be doing the same, pls run thorough bot log on their members. The leaders could have given them each a bot program or the bears have tons of alts in clan. :lol:

    @ The rest whom think developers are showing favouritism, I doubt developer will be doing so to ruin their own game. I am sure they shown fairness in detecting before issuing the ban and announcing cheaters' names is a warning to all and cheaters should never get any refund for breaking TOU.
  14. Then again I was accused of using a bot once and they where absolutely "dead wrong" so just be 100% sure when u ban the cheaters
  15. lolzzz war with bots. job bearssssss. Respect for pB.
  16. Thanks CassidyUltima for sharing your experience.

    @ KaW Admin

    According to CassidyUltima's experience, the manual investigation happens AFTER the ban. It is not as you described as BEFORE the ban in page 12.

    Can you comment?

  17. I've got something constructive to add!

    When banning an owner of a clan..
    Move ownership to an admin

    No need to screw the whole clan because the porridge was to hot..
  18. I got bored at the third page so I haven't read all of the thread.

    I would say that regardless of what people think of the conduct of the people referred to it does not justify "naming and shaming".

    Rumours abound, however, these hints should be left to the rumour mill.

    KaW should not have named the people concerned. It's not classy. It's not clever. It was unnecessary.

    I'm sure the people are sore about being banned and to be honest I think naming them is petty.

    I'm not supporting the people involved, I just think KaW should conduct themselves in a way that is above any bickering.

    It seems like maybe one of the devs let their kids loose on their laptop.
  19. Lots of report of hits finally going through on Apoc members who have not been able to be hit because they were always dtw. Seems this thread is doing exactly what it was intended to do.
  20. Evidence seems conclusive in my opinion!

    Cheat and reap what you sow in my eyes! I don't really know momma and poppa but I've heard they are great people, seems a shame! However, cheating is cheating!

    I do agree with KaW_Admins decision to name the offenders! It sends a clear warning that botting is not to be tolerated, no matter who you are!! In anyway, the culprits would inevitably be named when the floods of 'free the bears' threads that would be made, so they are getting there first and telling the community how it is!
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