Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 20, 2013.

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  1. When JPKJ was banned for "botting" he lost 16T in allies n gold.
    I believe Poppa n Momma are gonna lose just about the same amount.

    Btw, in Nov 2013, Singapore will have Privacy laws enacted, where Singaporean accounts cannot be publicly named.
    So just a heads up to ATA. No disclosure of Account information on Individuals in a public forum.
    This includes Facebook data so, your game data although it may belong to you, but you're no longer privy to it as it belongs to a SG person. :D :D :D
  2. Lol Maser you little noob.
  3. I can't boot even if I wanted to im on Android but just play the game like a man
  4. @KaW Admin

    Great! It is good to know that a manual investigation will take place.

    You are telling me how a cheater get caught. Please don't get me wrong. I am not saying your system not catching any cheaters. In fact, I do think it will. My concern are the people who are not cheated but get banned.

    I guess our different is that KaW believe the existing system, programmatic + manually, is good enough so that there will be "no innocent", so nothing else need to be done. However, we do know innocent exists - I believe KaW re-opened innocent accounts recently, at least two that I know of.

    It is very easy to settle our difference and make the concerning part of the community cool down. I have already make the suggestion of blocking incoming of banned account. Since the technical infrastructure is already in place for EE war, it should not be difficult...

    After all, as I said, the purpose of banning is to stop cheaters, not to create farms....

    So what do you say?

  5. SG law has no power here.
  6. So, in another word they are open for steal? Yay!!!!! Hohoho
  7. Lots of people use bots but to make just those 2 an example is wrong. So does this mean that people that have been using bots for the last 6 months are gonna get away scot-free??? Lets face it after you have now announced their name publicly and ashamed them for everyone to see I'm pretty sure that cheaters are gonna slow down or stop. You only have to look at their builds now to realise that it's game over. I'm not saying whether they cheated or not but you have a duty to treat everyone that plays your games fairly. Is this really the case in kaw?
  8. Please explain why cheaters need to be treated 'fairly'. What the hell does that mean?
  9. I was banned for suspicion of botting on an iPhone. After 3 days, the manual inspection showed I wasn't. A month later I got a KaW admin message asking me to respond immediately to an system alert of bot-like activity again. As far as I can tell, it was my fairly extreme activity level that tripped the sensor alerts. I don't know if this is an isolated incident or not but it is obviously possible to appear to bot on a phone.
  10. Cheaters deserve death. Nothing less. Banning them is letting them off lightly IMO.
  11. Cheaters need to be treated the same as other cheaters... I'm not saying that they should be treated the same as people that don't cheat. Is that easier for you to understand
  12. Simple then n33. Ban, name and shame ALL the cheating gits. Problem solved.
  13. Good job devs. Nice caught up. You guys acted fair. We appreciate that
  14. You can't publicly name and shame 1 cheater and let the rest get away with it.. If people are cheating or have been cheating then they all deserve the same..
  15. admin,

    Is the bot detector also a key-logger? Should we be concerned about surfing on other website (i.e. enter username/passwords), will the key logger record all our typings ?

    I see some security concerns if it does.
  16. I guess using a bot is one way to kick a KaW addiction.

    I'm certainly as concerned as others regarding the possibility of a false ban for cheating. The problem is that (for a not so technically astute person like myself) is that the method for catching the person is not in a screen shot type format.

    So, you did mention (KaW_admin) that these players were being named in public not only because they cheated but bragged about how easy it was to cheat. This alleged bragging can be posted in screen shot format. If the two players essentially admitted to cheating then that should satisfy even the most entrenched doubter.

  17. Whether or not momma or poppa in fact cheated and deserved to be banned is less of a concern to me than the fact that kaw admin handed zaft a juicy bone by announcing their ban. By actively and deliberately helping zaft in this osw the devs have lost my respect and trust.
  18. Not that familiar with osw... If momma and poppa were irrevocably banned, if ZAFT knows and tries to strip him/her/them, and their account is unusable anyway, how is Zaft benefiting? Just wastes strip money right?
  19. Steve in my clan was banned, stripped and then reinstated. Obviously short of many trillions. Has happened more than once now to appoc. One of the devs spoiled little brats must be in zaft. red/cella/laoda and the rest of their alts buy their accounts and that is ok.....

    Doesn't matter anyways. What could have been a great war has turned into a pathetic display of favoritism by the devs to their precious zaft lovers. Fortunately most of us have real lives and will find a new app game to kill time with.
  20. @314159, the problem doesn't come when it is a legitimate ban, but a temp ban while your account is "investigated". Clans you are warring take advantage of the fact that you're banned, even if you're not at fault, and will strip you clean. When your account is reinstated, you've lost trillions without being able to do a single thing about it.

    @Kaw_admin, are you able to rollback players actions? To see what they've been doing? If not you've just given every other cheater a free ride, now they will stop for a bit, even though they may have been cheating for months. You don't do 12k quests, and constantly keep doing them every night when you're tz is known and sleeping pattern is known.
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