Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlSIlPlI-Ravan_Caw-IlSIlPlI, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Don't even try to make sense of it Todd he's a bitter scumbag without a clue.
    I really hate people like you.
    (If you're Northern Irish you know what I'm on about)
  2. I'm not from northern Ireland I'm from Ireland the republic northern Ireland is still British ruled,you seem to forget Ireland all though not a country with great money or tanks still fought for the allies in ww2 so get all your facts right , Ireland wants its northern county's back !!!!

  3. I believe that is a UK holiday......let the Germans post their own

    Stop being soooo gd pc it's very tiresome.
    Next you will complain that the Muslims need recognition.
  4. Well hell I've spent most my time in the U.S. in Texas and consider myself a Texan but I don't believe in the Texas Independence movement (Texas was it's own country at one time and was basically annexed by the U.S.) lol and I sure don't wish the Confederate States would've won the Civil war 

  5. And Argentina wants the Falklands back..

    That doesn't mean that either:

    1. They people living there want that

    2. That you're going to get them back.

    Either way, it's not relavent
  6. Like most Americans (non Brits) I'm vastly ignorant of the history between Ireland/Northern Ireland/Great Britain (sorry) I look online and in more then one source it says Northern Ireland was neutral during WW2.

    Please enlighten me. Is this true? Thank you
  7. But what about the Muslims???
  8. This isn't a thread to discuss Irish unification. As I'm sure you all know Irish volunteers, unionists and nationalists, fought in droves in the First World War. Therefore this thread will at the very least indirectly be in reference to their sacrifice too.

    And I'm sure neither of you will question the validity of that.
  9. Proud to be English, not fake concocted political fudge of "British".

    British, Great Britain, UK??

    stuff it we would be better off on our own.

    Northern Ireland?? why do we want it, give it back to Eire. What has it ever done for us? Its a financial drain, a damaged limb, amputate it for the good of the healthy body!

    Scotland, Wales.....keep those too, the English are fed up of carrying this baggage that takes more than it contrubutes to the English economy.

    Rememberence Sunday? drop it. it simply gloryfies war crimes. the poor lads who lost their lives, merely pawns for the politicos.
  10. Before anyone rages at that last part, you need to bear in mind that he/she has a point. It's not worth blindly remembering the " sacrifice" without understanding that each person was usually privately motivated, and that the war does indeed have an exceptional level of complication and murky depth to it.

    There's a value to looking at all sides, as long as it is remembered and treated respectfully.
  11. No support, everyone bashes everyone on these kinds of threads
  12. Can we all not just get along and agree that the French suck?

    Have you heard about the new tank the French military developed? has 9 gears 1 goes forward the other 8 in reverse :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. You just made me make my wife up laughing.


    If it's French I'm assuming it also charges up hill at anti tank guns then runs away running its own men over.
  14. Well glad to see some stupid you do know the term British has been in existance for a few hundred years more than English as a term.
    One is derived from a roman word given to the isles the other a Saxon derived word from when the Saxons were conquering large swaths in the turmoil following the departure of the Romans in during 3-400AD.
    So you are in fact celebrating the fact you don't belong here either.
    As for war crimes what war crimes in particular ? Seeing as the fallen of WW1 died defending allies we were bound by treaty to protect in the face of German aggression I'm wondering which crime you think was involved ?
    As for your comments about England breaking away or " losing it's baggage " England would never have been part of a great anything with out the scots the welsh and the Irish they built the foundations of the British empire they fought for, settled and defended the empire in great numbers.
    Almost no battlefield where the British army has fought in the last 300yrs has not had men from all the nations of the union bleeding on it.
    Not was the industrial might of the empire concentrated in one nation of the union the great ships of trade were built on the Mersey the Clyde in the docks of Belfast and Glasgow, the nations are better together and idiocy like yours is why sadly some people feel we won't be.
  15. Also, I don't know enough about Rememberance Day to actually contribute to this thread. It must not be that important
  16. Actually no you didn't . Ireland was neutral in ww2.
  17. That's what I read also ...I posted few pages ago and asked for conformation/explanation

    ....crickets chirping
  18. I don't really know how to reply to the OP, but on that day and time, I will put my phone down and certainly not care about KaW.

    WWI and WW2 meant a human sacrifice on a level that is unmatched in history. And may it remain so.

    Soldiers fallen in lesser war made no less of a sacrifice.

    Sad to see the bickering regarding who to honour. If we can't agree on that, what did their sacrifice mean?

    So, OP, your idea isn't bad, but I will not be on here to participate.

    Having served in the army, though not for a country that participated in either WWI or WW2, I will honour the fallen regardless.

    Just my two cents...
  19. Support.. always