Canada's sacrifice will be remembered. I remember a Canadian monument I visited in France with my school. Quite a moving experience.
Yes that's the one. Isn't it classed as Canadian soil? The fields surrounding it were scarred heavily by the shellfire. The memorial itself was beautiful.
They have they're own Remembrance Day (Volkstrauertag) ...I was born Canadian and am now a U.S. citizen. I lived in Germany for 3 years, they don't honor the allied dead on that day, just as we don't honor their dead on Remembeance Day or Memorial Day. Keep "political correctness" out of this thread ...dsn't belong here.
It's not a bad idea just sadly you'll get no where because some moron will spoil it just for a laugh.
Devs are willing to support a silence for a terror attack on American soil (I know devs are Canadian based) however won't support a WC silence for the remembrance of casualties of war.
Gave lives for your freedom ??? What about all the innocent men killed in Ireland by the British and woman raped all because Ireland stood its ground and wanted all of its land back , that we still haven't got BTW
I'm Northern Irish. From a Catholic backround and I am proud to be Northern Irish! I class myself as British too. Most people here want British control (indirect) Go sing your mopey rebel songs in some run down bar you ****.
So what are you saying? That it would've been better for the Central Powers in WW1 or the Axis countries of WW2 to have beaten the Allies in either world war? That Northern Ireland would have been granted sovereignty by the Central/Axis powers if they won either world war and would have been better off? ...I doubt it.