It works some how but It gave me 1m more of what my max plunder should be.. Perhaps u should lower down the number a bit
Surely if you're saying cs x 5500 = max plunder you just divided your max plunder by your cs? Probably why it doesn't work for everybody as the ratio would be different for different builds.
That formula only works for small builds. As you grow the numbers get very disproportionate. using that formula I would need around 45bil in allies for max plunder when in reality it's around 16-18bil. This formula has been around for a long time and has been proven as inaccurate many times
I think i figured out why the equation messes up. Its cause i was making this long before there was this fancy "highlands" and "Epic battle" **** that's around now. Back in the good old days when it was hard to upgrade lol
AHA! As i suspected before i just tried it, if your stats are above 1m, times by 2500 instead of 5500, i tested this with both Ziphena's and Greatness's builds. Ziphena's came out around the 17bill mark, dead on as to what they said
@greatness you look HLBC or close and you need a lot more than 18 bil in allies for MP. I need more than that and you're almost twice my size.