Religious people

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. I've as an atheist (or someone who believes in science ) have always said that if it makes u a better person to believe in a mythical being who says u can live forever and that if u die u go to eternal bliss despite the fact that we have prooved there is no God and that we are here because of a bunch of lucky sciance that if it makes u a better person then go for it.
    Personally my fear of death means that I would love to be able to ignore cold hard facts and believe in an afterlife.

    My question today is can we trust people in power if they believe in religion.

    Every president and somr world leaders I've known has said they belive in God despite the fact that clearly there is none.

    I can trust my religious neighbours and my friends because they are generally good people and Dont control my country however if someone is deciding on my tax rate because God wants us to be equal then that's wrong.

    Do any of u share this same concern ?

    The real question I'm asking is should we be putting people in power who are so easily manipulated.

    If your president or world leader said they believe in the tooth fairy would u vote for them to run your country.
  2. Personal opinion doesn't always translate to political moves and actions. If they don't let it impact their work, why not? Same as any other conviction. For example, I wouldn't trust somebody who was vehemently opposed to ginger people existing to the point where they tried to make policies about them. Or if they believed gingers to be the master race and tried to convince people/pass things to allow them to hold higher positions in society than regular people.

    But occasional references to "yeah, I just really don't like gingers" or "gingers are absolutely amazing"? Don't care. So long as those statements are the only reason I can tell.
  3. I'm sure some Presidents say they believe in God because it's suicide not to. Many people say they do just to fit in. That's why the term 'having faith' works. So they are technically not lying
  5. Let's see the proof then.
  6. 1. Atheists are not people who believe in science. Everyone believes in science. With some exceptions.

    2. There is no proof that there is a god, but there also is no proof that there isn't a god. You cannot say that there is not a god because no one actually knows.

    As an agnostic, i have no problem with people believing in a higher power. Honestly, i don't care if the president or anyone believes in god, because it really doesn't affect me. If it starts to affect your judgement on political events and world views, then yeah maybe it can become a problem. But im not seeing any of that.
  7. Lol laughed when when I saw the definition of atheist...all people should believe in science. Because science is just gathering data and analysing

    People of course disagree with each other in science( that's how science progresses).

    But linking this back to the topic, science Has NOT proven there is no God science (in my opinion) has not REALLY PROVEN macro evoloution. Micro yes macro meh

    So put religious people in power? Religious people can make exact opposite claim to yours so yea...

    In conclusion...its a poor point and poor knowledge is shown
  8. as an atheist, personal beliefs do not influence a person's ability to lead, and they should not be judged for them. and as the others have said, everyone believes in science :roll: but it doesn't look like you believe in grammar...
  9. Whether you are an atheist or a theist - we all have a worldview that dominates and influences the way we act, think or feel.

    A true theist holds truth claims that is espoused by set religion. These truth claims tend to be timeless and do not change with the times. However, truth claims can at times become corrupted due to poor interpretation which causes a need the corrupted claim to be reformed. These truth claims help the theist live his or her life accordingly in the world. One can call themselves a theist but live their lives in a way that reveals that they are in reality a function atheist. Personally, I feel that one cannot be a theist if the claims set by the religion evolve with time and according to how one feel's about the claims.

    An atheist holds truth claims which are held by the mass or the culture they live in. These truth claims are fluid and change with the times. Atheist usually do not all hold to the same truth claims and at times their claims can clash with one another; however they do their best to accommodate but usually this is not always the case.

    Both views can have pros and cons.

    Because the theist holds truth claims as absolute, the theist at times can be viewed as counter cultural and revolutionary in its beliefs at some points in history but also archaic and backwards in other points in history.

    Because the atheist holds truth claims that are fluid, the atheist can be viewed as accommodating, compromising and inclusive at times but also as being swayed by the masses in other moments

    Given all this, I'm not sure why you would think that being a theist or an atheist matters when you are a political leader.

    In terms of leaders...

    We've seen leaders who were theists that were great but also bad but this is equally the same for leaders who were atheist. A good leader is who tries to do the greatest good for the people that he/she leads (they may need to make hard decisions that are unpopular but are right for the long terms health of those they lead), keeps their word and is not corrupt. Leading also means you get people to buy into your vision and they follow you; you don't force your views on others.

    Personally, I don't see any good leaders currently - they are all too concerned with the polls, they do not make unpopular decisions, they kick the problem down the road and thus leave the next generation to deal with a problem that has grown exponentially. It seems we are more interested in right now then what is right and we vote for who looks good rather than who will do what's good and ultimately it seems more people care about themselves rather than their neighbor, their community and their nation. Gone are leaders who lead people; what we have today are leaders who follow the people - they are all flash and no substance
  10. Pars are you drunk or just plain stupid? So you feel you just have to spill your religious/non religious beliefs and insult most of the world? :( Attention seeking never gets old does it? :roll:
  11. Ignore Parsfan he's an unemployed drunk

    Cheap blended scotch & self loathing are his gods

    Go Rangers!!!
  12. Atheists are devout statists, they worship the state as the Supreme authority in the universe

    G-O-D grantor of dominion

    That's all god is, the grantor of dominion

    You receive your rights from the state because you don't believe in the divine power within us all

    All religions rely on the magical powers of the prophets to communicate with the divine,

    yet if any prophets make this claim today it is quickly obvious that it's ridiculous, and must be shut down as quickly as possibly and become the joke of the town to be laughed out and shunned immediately and without mercy

    Why is it that way?

    It's simple, if any modern day prophet was to come forward and is given any semblance of credibility the magical powers of the "church" to interpret everything we see, hear, and read as a tribute to the magical powers of gods will would vanish instantly

    Well the interpretive authority of the church will be lost forever and all the money that comes with it

    You can't be allowed to simply destroy the most powerful organizations on the planet with a few words and claims to be connected to the divine in any way whatsoever without a priest giving you this valuable service

    So who made them god?

    If you allow anyone to inject their opinions about what your looking at and give it any credit whatsoever, you lack something within yourself

    You are denying yourself that individual and personal power of self determination and free will choice to manage your own affairs and opinions

    Your just to incompetent to understand that which what you see, hear, and read, all your senses are up for interpretation by some outside authority or "expert"

    Of course no one will ask you "are you some kind of moron?" priests will happily line up to tell you what your looking at

    Suddenly you find yourself in awe at the power of god while looking at the sky as if it's some magnificent and magical power of god itself shaping each cloud for your entertainment because some guy says so and you believe it

    You lose that ability to determine your own opinions of what you see and it's replaced by the opinions of someone else and everything becomes the magnificent will of god even if it's bad, or a miracle if it's good

    I can love my neighbor without church interference

    It's all about money, power, and control, with guidance of the church you will find yourself working without compensation and the guilt of not taking out your wallet will coerce you into making donations

    There are no churches, 501(c)3 is not a church it's a charitable organization, a 508 is "it's none of your business" to maintain a favorable tax bracket of a 501 these corporations must bow to the will of the state

    Who wants eternal life?

    The only claim by the Catholic Church is the only claim they actually deliver, a fictional corporate trust is the only thing on the planet that has eternal life the only way it can operate is if you sacrifice your life to moving it

    For your benefit this memorial is created for every man woman and child, and even congress can't save you from this cult worshiping a graven image

    Look at everything that has your name on it and you'll notice it's in ALL CAPS all bills, ID cards, licenses, contacts, all your mail, everything is always in all caps, all caps signifies death, every grave marker is in all caps

    Capitus diminutio maxima, is the removal of all rights and ones status is reduced to that of a slave (look it up)

    This comes from Rome in 533 the citizen, the person, and an occult language was created by the then emperor Justinian to reunite the east and west empires (that's where "east" and "west" comes from)

    What occult language?

    How much "faith" or "belief" does one need in the letters of the alphabet before one is able to read? The answer is obviously none, no belief is required to read, the only requirement is knowing

    The rules of English grammar do not allow at any time whatsoever to use ALL CAPS for a proper noun


    You think it's easily readable but in reality it's gibberish, babble, this is sign language, a kind of picture like hieroglyphics for the illiterate, it's not a descriptive text like English

    It's called dog-latin it's Latin using English grammatical rules, and it's fraud, it's "gloss" or mask corrupts everything it touches even you, and all your contracts

    The modern day slave system is entirely voluntary, and predicated on non disclosure because who would willing volunteer to be a slave and pay someone else's bills and even go to jail for anyone or anything without compensation for their entire lives

    Benefits and privileges

    The benefits and privileges are paying fines and going to jail, did you know paying a fine is a benefit offered to slaves? Isn't that nice it's a privilege to sit in jail for someone else?

    If you don't believe me do your research, you'll have to read "Chicago styles manual" ask any English expert when the rules of English provide for the use of all capital letters for a proper noun

    Grab your Blacks law dictionary 4th edition and look up dog-latin and it will detail the corruption of the language

    Also there is a great article coming out of Australia written by the guy who destroyed the government from his life over a traffic fine, he got a full estoppel from any arrest or detention of any kind,

    As a side effect of this power the police took it on themselves to try and murder this man several times, he is a marked man for sharing this information with others, these are deep state secrets not fit for a slaves consumption


    Do you know who you are?

    Are you As-King questions?

    Are you just going with the flow, following the lemmings in front of you that are also incompetent to make their own decisions?

    Are you a freeman or a slave?
    (Those are the only 2 options under the Roman global government)

    Are you the voluntary servant of your corporate church or to your community?
  13. Well I can say only this to what I've outlined in the quote, and that is... just cause one believes in a higher being does not mean they are easily manipulated.
  14. x_x is living proof that God does NOT exist.
  15. The burden of proof lies upon the claimant and merely stating something is is not proof. Hearsay is in admissible. Evidence is.

    At one time it was said the earth was flat.
    Statements themselves r not proof merely because words were uttered.
  16. Not saying being religious is bad or anything. Just saying the world most likely would have been more.. peaceful? without religion. Also religious people (a good portion) really need to learn how to chill. There is a difference between being devoted and just being a complete donkey and developing a superiority slash god complex due to the thought that just because you're a religious person that you're better than everyone and anyone who does something that doesn't follow your beliefs is going to quote on quote "hell"
  17. State and Church r separate in all and every way or means. An unethical conflict or bias renders both dissolved. The basic freedom of choice is never to be violated.

    E pluribus unum
    In God we trust is a conflict
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think anyone who is religious is going to effect our tax rates bcos God told them to, just a theory
  19. The claim that irreligious ppl are peaceful is pretty ignorant

    the most ruthless dictators were atheist - The German guy (his name is censored u know hit...), mao, Stalin, pol pot, idi amin....

    I find that you find bigots and violent ppl in both camps - theists and atheists.
  20. I think Ben Shapiro is a good example of how a religious person can still be an apex politician.