
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WhatsUp, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. lol ...yes but again w/ Multiverse there's an infinite number of realities.

    ..."Infinite" mind you (I think it's BS)

  2. @Nathan
    Why won't you discuss my points on religion instead of pointing out the obvious flaws in human interpretations of religion?

  3. Are you trying to convince yourself of your own opinion or something?
  4. @Rio
    I'm looking for a debate my opinions so that me and other people gain new perspectives.
  5. My home town just experienced attacks in at least 2 subway stations and the airport from religious extremists.

    Sure religions are a force for the best ...

    Anyway still claiming this is actively complicit in the minimizing of these atrocities and is hindering our journey to a religion free and peaceful world ...
  6. Sorry to hear this, the latest in attacks by people who are determined to impose violence on a generally peaceful religion, who are determined to throw their lives away for something tangible at best.

    Unfortunately removing religion wouldn't remove violence from the world, or oppression or greed
  7. True, this is the work of a few violent people that get persuaded by people abusing a religion, but tell me, if there were no 72 virgins and martyrdom and no religion to begin with , why would someone travel thousands of miles to kill some innocent people checking into their flights.
  8. We both know the answer to that is they probably wouldn't.
  9. Ummm... Well I would like to point out that these terrorist attacks aren't as affiliated with religion as it may seem. You see, European Western culture (yes, that includes America) has been attacking the Arabic and Islamic countries for centuries because their cultures are different. European Western culture hegemony is our culture trying to impose what many believe to be the superior culture onto people who might not necessarily want it. Our democracy, our translation of human rights, our freedoms; European Western culture is trying to force that on people.

    Now what does that sound like? Oh yeah, the atheist complaint of religions trying to get people to join their religion. What happens when atheists don't want that, they target the weaknesses of a religion to try to show the flaws of it. Terrorists do what when they don't like something being imposed on them? They target the weaknesses of the European Western culture.

    Is it more extreme? Yes
    Is it still the same concept? Yes
  10. More people have been killed in the NAME of religion. It is often used to justify the most appalling of atrocities however it is not religion that is at fault, rather the twisted evil souls that commit murder
  11. Comparing atheists pointing out the obvious flaws in religions, To people blowing up airports is ridiculous.

    If there was no religion, there would be less for these extremists to use to get people to do their dirty work for them.
  12. @Rio

    Did you just completely skip over the info about European Western culture? None of this terrorism is based on some grand integrated plan in a religion. It's caused by the attacks of one society on another. If religion wasn't there, people would use something else to justify their cause.
  13. Let's call the US interventions,

    (Yes I say US interventions, other countries were put with their backs to the wall to join the US in their illegal wars)

    ..what they are, an oil heist under the disguise of bringing "democracy".

    The only reason that oil still has the importance it currently has is to be found in safes full of bought off patents with alternative energy solutions. (A lot of these safes in Saudi Arabia etc...)

    Any reference to religion in recent attacks from the US is ridiculous.

    All the victims of these unjust wars are ripe for the picking by religious extremists to make "the west" pay for the atrocities committed by the US and UK in the different gulf wars.

    In short, we are talking about a religiously driven reaction to greed driven US actions.
  14. @Mudvet

    Can you source you information? It seems like you are just pulling this out of nothing but perhaps a news station.

    My information on this issue comes from the book "Religion and the Global Politics of Human Rights" as well websites about current Muslim reform, specifically WLP (women's learning partnership), WLUMPL (women living under muslim laws), and SIS (sisters in islam), all 3 of which are Islamic feminist organizations.
  15. Not sure what u are asking me,

    I am agreeing with the hypothesis that the reaction we are seeing now is one of individuals being ripe for extremists to influence/brainwash after having experienced western aggression.

    The Iraq war was illegal, not only was the reason (WMD) a lie, the war was never declared as required by law ...

    Remember that the Americans even renamed French fries, Freedom fries because the French ( and the Belgians) didn't want to join em.
  16. Name ONE thing, just ONE thing that can be used as such a brainwashing tool and I'll concede the point to you.
  17. Such bait. Love it.
  18. The ultimate lover. Done. Easy brainwashing tool. Would obviously be super effective too!!
  19. @Mudvet

    How about you provide your sources of information? Books, newspapers, documentaries, or random stuff on the Internet


    Loyalty to society, culture, ethnicity, etc.
    "They may take our lives, but they will never take our FREEDOM."

    Politics and politicians.
    A leader spreading fears like xenophobia and promising to keep their people and country safe from outsiders
  20. None of that would ever come even remotely close to the promise of eternal paradise, or whatever it is they lure these poor fools with.