Sorry for my previous post (kinda, a little bit anyway) No, it's not THAT much of a leap, the bigger leap is believing some entity created us out of the earth (literally) gave us working hearts and everything we needed to survive, and the man decided to never show himself ever again, in any way or any form to his creations.
The first part, before some entity leaving. How does science explain the existence of humans, how they live, and how the world around us came to be? The Theory of Evolution, i think. And we all came from stardust, so how does dust create or evolve into life? It takes a miracle. If I remember right from my bio class in college, the odds of having all the conditions to have all the elements needed for us to live being created are slim to none. And now to the last part. According to some religious texts, God does appear to people or will appear to people. To some people, we can find God or some divine being in ourselves ("know ye not that ye are gods?"). Others see God as a metaphor for the universe, and the universe is seen every day, no matter how little an object. It all depends on how you may interpret religion and religious texts that determines how big a leap something really is.
We can all throw all the fancy quotes and terms at one another we want, but it boils down to something very simple. Particles, the particles that create events that can create life. The very first one, in order for there to be heat, gas, pressure, in order for anything to exist, there had to be that fist particle. And it had to be created by something. Throw all the mathematical or scientific equations up you want, but its 100% impossible for it to have appeared out of nowhere. They set out to disprove the "god particle" with the collider but ended up proving the opposite lol. That there has to be that "god factor" in there for the smallest particle of life to even form. So ya, the science that atheists love to throw up actually proved there does in fact have to be a god.
Lol you just threw all the science out the window and went rambo essentially saying god created everything that may be the case but who created him? Basically you are saying nothing should exist therefore god shouldn't either.
Threw all science out the window? Lol ok your clearly out of your league here so ill break it down for you. I in fact used science to validate my claim there is a god just like they did with the collider. (albeit on accident) Ill try to make this simple, you see you have protons and electrons that create neutrons. Both of wich are created by particle matter, a group of very renowned scientists used a particle collider to emulate what happens in space in creating this particle, they were trying to disprove that there is a "god particle" and that they could emulate the big bang that sparked all life.. I dont have the space to go through the whole article but you can look it up, essentially what they did was the opposite, they proved themselves wrong and found that there is indeed what they termed the "god particle" present in creating life in its basest form and that you cannot create life without it. So not sure how i through science out the window bc i was talking about science. Work on your reading comprehension maybe. I think people fail to understand that most people beliving in god dosnt mean we think he clapped his hands and it all appeared, most of us believe in the same "scientific" processes you do, we just believe a greater power set it in motion, as its the only logical answer to how the first particle came about. Who sounds like the ignorant fanatics? To me it's the ones looking at posts and ignoring every intelligent statement made and saying " oh your just throwing science out and saying god did everything"
As far as who created god, god is the creator, the beginning and the end. The energy that flows through everything. Even science tells you that energy never dies just changes forms. Maybe energy is the spirit. Idk, and will not know till i die. And everyone please stop throwing all that believe in god in with religious finatics or finatical christians. Believing in a creator based on scientific observation is a totally different thing. I believe in a god bc of science. Science just as readily proves a god as it disproves it. You just have to open you mind when studying it
And grizzly i dont mean to be hostile i apologize. I just get aggravated with the generalizations that all who believe in creation are ignorant bible thumping peons who know nothing of science, thats why they must believe in god right? Well do you all know how many educated people were Led to believe in a higher power bc of studying science ?
That is a silly argument and its not answering anything I'm asking, so who created the god or this spirit you speak of? We can't come out of nothing like you said so again neither can this spiritual being.
Failure to understand the scientific principles guiding the creation and development of the universe does not mean that a deity must exist to explain it.
Pretty sure i did answer you pretty plainly. God was not created No we cannot come from nothing. But god is not one of us, idk what to say really to make you understand. Maybe your picturing this as a person floating above outer space that had to be created? Idk. I believe god is a spirit or n energy that set everything in motion, he was not created, he has always been, he is in everything. Others have different views on god and i respect them all besides atheism as ive not met one that makes any sense or can explain how the first particle came about.
But we do understand the scientific principles regarding creation. Its been tested time and time again. We understand the exact process for creating the matter that creates life, theres just that one key element that we cant replicate. What they dubbed the "god particle" we cant and never will duplicate it bc we are not god lol We can alter his work, (change dna, clone, etc.) but we will nerver create life with base particles or explain how its done. When a group of men much smarter than you or i, who specialize in this, tested it over and over with a machine specially made to emulate the big bang, with the purpose of disproving a god, all come out saying that they infact proved there has to be a god. Not sure what more "scientific" evidence i can give u bud
No not at all I'm looking at a god as a energy so big that it spread out and created a universe, the energy came from somewhere but you're not telling me where we could throw the word god out the window I'd still be asking the same thing.
Ok so essentially we are arguing the same thing. You choose to believe in an infinite particle that always existed even though by its very nature had to undergo a process to exist. And i believe a higher power that always exisited created that first particle. Both are unprovable so its a pointless discussion. But i will believe in a higher power vs the particle that manifested out of nowhere or always was..