The evolution science will destroy us, they say religion will, not more then science. What has science accomplish but to kill our planet faster. Ignorance is truly blissful my people
Ever heard of televangelists? Most of those asses promote their religion through media and give people a false perception of what their religion actually is. The main point is of how convincing their arguments are and how blindly people follow them - They convince people to donate money to their churches through 'seed faith' and some just use the money for their own uses. Furthermore in many places around the worlds - churches and televangelists are not under strict guidelines especially because of the touchy subject of religion. Without strict oversight they have quite a bit of freedom to practice their religion - in horrible ways - they managed to convince thousands to donate money and in certain cases a specific sum of money in order to continue this faith, even if the donor is under financial pressure because of how convincing they may seem They just disgust me - link to read below \/\/ ... lions.html
Humans have been destroying the planet Long before humans thought the world was round. But yeah ignorance is bliss when you think religion is so perfect
The key to saving the world is in great people like Pope Francis I who look past the boundaries of religions and sciences to look at the real issues the planet is facing, and offering some solutions.
The key to saving the world is cutting down on the number of people ...i'ld say about 85% of you need to go
Or living sustainably. That is always an option, if the whole world could agree to change. Your type of thinking, while it is objective, it just isn't morally right. And people dying won't solve the problem that we face now. The earth depends on us to make the right changes, rather than just stopping.
Umm no everything that humans did back then was to survive, nobody said religion was perfecf. People like you love to counter religion with science, also its more of the other way around. Science isn't perfect, if you think religion is worse then science today then you're blind. Religion is mentality thing, science effects everything around you, religion ain't really polluting the world. Science is
The people destroying our planet are the religious fanatics who don't believe in science. The people too stupid to listen to scientists and climatologists. Without scientists you wouldn't even know what damage is being done to the planet.
this idiot FB 11adp I'll never understand why you people will smack talk me and not expect inc? (While I get none?)..... up and attack 1st then talk smack ???
Actually, the people destroying the planet aren't (for the majority) scientists or religious people. It is the corporations, corrupt governments, and unsustainable ways of living. People pit science against religion (and vice versa) much too often. Many writers, such as Lynn White Jr., say that the only way to save the planet is with combined efforts. Also, many say capitalism is one of the biggest issues.
If you haven't looked at the previous comments about what a religion is or haven't studied it yourself, please go through the pages. A good starting place might be page 4.
Can some one explain how we are destroying the world other than cutting trees down? Climate change ? Happens every day and is apart of nature Too much co2 ? If there wasn't any we wouldn't have o2 Please explain .
Pollution; landfills, oil spills, acid rain, lead in water, etc. Intentional chemical use; Agent Orange, pesticides, weed killer, etc. Basically forcing Nature to conform to man. It grows what we want, when we want. It is heavily "maintained" for "aesthetic" appeal (mowing the lawn, for example). Of course, this last statement is true to some degree for all lifeforms on Earth; however, not to the extent of what the human species has done, thanks to certain cosmologies, ideologies, and technologies.
Ummm... i just gave some examples... and there wasn't really a question, you wanted more of an explanation ("please explain").
So I came to a realization today that kind of blew my mind a bit. In the Bible, God makes Man out of the dust of the Earth, which some say is crazy and impossible. But aren't we humans and the earth and everything in the universe the stuff of stars? Stardust. Is it that much of a leap to say that Man was made of the dust of the earth, when the earth was made of the dust of stars?