@jenna running out of long worded comebacks? go ahead and continue believing in lies. the bible especially, a big book of fiction.
D_bo is what us in the business call a 'pathetic attention whore'. I've learnt, in good time, that if you don't respond to his illogical posts (ex: calling anyone he doesn't like an emo while he shows many telltale signs of being one himself) he will not post more than two more times if you haven't responded. The scientific term for this is to stop 'feeding the trolls'. Now DON'T FEED THE DAMN TROLLS.
Damnant quodnon intelligunt,sursum corda....dixi..si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.... Dafuq did I just write... ~
I agree completely, Jenna. It's people like him who make me want to put down my pen, rip up every piece of work I've created and curl up and cry. I am thirteen, and I have more maturity and sense than him. Also I have a number of better hobbies that does not include trolling on peoples hard work. I really despise him with every breathe in my body and loathe him like a cat loathes a dog And referring to religion if he'd like to troll me to, I am a druid.
Why bump this month-old thread? All d_bo is is someone who weeds out the people that can't handle FF.
U know, I had a revelation, dbo can go a bit far some times, but he has his point, about 80% of the stories he has criticized "so unjustly", are actually pretty damn awfull
@queen you're a Druid? what's wrong with you? claiming to be a Druid is similar to little kids who claims they are Wiccan. you're 13 but are more mature than me? that's pretty funneh. I've got more than a decade on you little child. I sincerely hope you shred all of your stories and burn them.