lol @ Jenna thinking she made me mad. so, because I don't use a mass of jumbled, unnecessarily long words in my posts, that somehow makes me a retarded welfare American? that's funny. oh pl0x stp makin fun of my lawngage. eye lurn 2 typ frum yo momma.
D_Bo. Really? I'm getting dumber every post you write. I respect Americans, but not you. You could hardly be considered human. You really must be of young age, because I never have seen a teenager use such dumbed down comebacks. You're idiocy makes me laugh. Alot. Thank you very much! I'll pray for ya sweetie. You need Jesus.
let's start, shall we? First of all, *the secondly: That's the pot calling the kettle black don't you think? You make a thread on why you don't like him yet you're caalling him the attention seeker. Praisable works? Vicious attitude? Inappropriate? It's clear you're one-sided, so let me take you down a notch here. The work in Fan-Fiction is mediocre at best, except a few exceptions here and there. His attitude is no where vicious, put on the big boy pants and realise this is a computer game. There's people like him in EVERY SINGLE ONE. Have you heard the phrase "Don't feed the troll."? This is what you're doing here, prime example. reactions like this make him stay longer.
@Jenna sorry. but I'm not a teenager. you keep assuming that I'm young. why is that? is there some 'I'm a cougar and I crave young boys' mentality going on here? besides the fact, you assume I'm American, maybe I'm from Canada or possibly, the isle of man? I'm glad my posts amuse you. your posts amuse me too. I really enjoy watching a bible thumping self righteous, holier than thou, attention whore, corrupted prosecuter posting about me. p.s. Jesus was a pedophile. religion is a lie. don't lead your life by false words. convert now to Scientology. when the spaceship arrives, don't you want a place aboard? <3 you sweety
Haha. Okay D_bo. Jesus is very real. I'd love to see you tell him how 'fake he is.' Talk about wrath. I'll be in the rapture and you'll be left for 10 million years of tribulation. Prepare for hell kid. It's not a pretty place to go. I'll pray for you hun.
I know I said I wouldn't post.... But which bible you reading? 10 million years of tribulation??? FAIL