Actually, I recall the thesaurus on Microsoft word comes up with tomfoolery. Made me giggle like hell when I saw it. But I sure didn't put it in my story.
Now as for the crux of your complaint: I suppose you don't take a look at forums that often. I get far more hate threads than DBo ever did/has/will. I also have a large number of supporters, as does DBo. He's not some evil menace from the depths of hell that can only be extinguished by the use of as many three syllable words as possible scattered together in a hodgepodge of scurried sentences. (No- I didn't need a thesaurus for that). As for the thread on killing DBo, people have wished cancer and all sorts of other creepy things on me. Why? Because I state my opinion, whether you like it or not. Because I'm a female in a position if power. However, I'll be honest. All of this DBo hate is getting silly. You DO sound butt hurt and emo. So, some giant arse says your story sucks: just wall me or pm me and I'll delete the offensive comment. Problem solved!! Use the thesaurus again and I'll have a field day on your horrendous grammar.
As awful as dbo sounds...I have to admit it is quite entertaining to read posts such as this from the sidelines.
I fail to see the point of that particular post other than to simply laugh at the OP. Yes, the OP may try to use a thesaurus, but that does not merit a condescending post on their usage of words. I actually use several words like tomfoolery in my writing as well, from time to time. Next time when posting, please consider the other person and use constructive criticism rather than just flaming. The intent of the original post was clear. Nothing more to say on that.
Oh, Bella Morte, Excuse me for being educated. I'm from England, and I find that I have a wide arrangement of vocabulary, being a graduate from Law school, I'd hope I do. You on the other hand, lacking all professionalism, has to "call me out" Because my words don't run together smoothly. 1. So sorry you don't understand my wide extent of vocabulary. 2. So sorry that you must use Google thesaraus to
1.) My username is French. BELLE morte, not bella- that would be Italian. 2.) I feel that an educated individual, who has been through the education system and is an adult, living in the real world, would be able to better grasp that sometimes people say things that one does not like. However, one must persevere beyond negative comments, as I stated in previous posts. 3.) Does being English somehow award you with a highly evolved vocabulary? 4.) Definition of arrangement: 1. an act of arranging; state of being arranged. 2. the manner or way in which things are arranged: a tactful arrangement of the seating at dinner. 3. a final settlement; adjustment by agreement: The arrangement with the rebels lasted only two weeks. 4. Usually, arrangements. preparatory measures; plans; preparations: They made arrangements for an early departure. 5. something arranged in a particular way: a floral arrangement; the arrangement of chairs for the seminar. Now, how does “arrangement of vocabulary” possibility fit? It doesn’t. You could have said that your vocabulary is extensive or that you know a large array of words. However, you do not have a wide arrangement of vocabulary. This is why I cannot possibly have any respect for your thread. You have misused words numerous times and “arranged” them improperly 5.) I lacked all professionalism, not lacking, as I had previously posted. I also “had” to call you out, not “has”. That should also be past tense. 6.) Au contraire! You do not need to apologize that you heard big words but do not know how to place them properly. You do not have to apologize that you cannot use words properly in a sentence. You do not have to apologize that you cannot even properly state that you have an extensive vocabulary (because wide extent of vocabulary is the wrong form) As to your second apology…. It seems to have cut off. Probably, you are speechless. I would be, too, if I were you. However, I would suggest that you apologize to fan fiction for your atrocious attempt to downgrade Dbo. I think you really proved his point by posting up something so ridiculous that I felt I had to stand up for him- for the sake of Fan Fiction. You have done nothing but sound like a crybaby who can’t take any type of criticism whatsoever. I was kind to you in my first two posts. I attempted to explain that you were only feeding DBo by making yet another post about him. More than that, you made several poorly written posts about it. Just stop. I love fan fiction, truly I do. However, one person who says “Your story sucks” does not mean the end of the world. He’s just DBo. Let bygones be bygones. I am not going to post further on this thread, as I feel that I am beating a dead horse.
When Renee mentioned that d_bo said 'women are only good for making sandwiches.' I'm sure he only meant that as a light-hearted joke. No need to get aggravated about it, girls. Just saying, -Swag x
Honestly. D_bo is funny at times. (Even for me, a writer/poet that he often criticizes.) If you really do hate d_bo, why? He simply has a different sense of humor and is appealing to those with the same type of humor. My point is that d_bo isn't worth hating... Save that for actual annoyances.
Decode my vocabulary. That's actually quite pathetic. 3. Don't accuse me of being 'stupid' because you'll soon find that I could put smart a twit like you in seconds. 4. Your ' Degree in English and Journalism' - Fake. In all my years, I've never seen an 'educated person' use such a condensed vocabulary, especially a 'English major.' That made me laugh actually. 5. Tomfoolery is typically used in my town. Being from England, I know that we have a much more colored vocabulary. 6. Don't try to be cool. 'Sounding smart' isn't my cup of tea. I AM smart. I'm educated well, and have four years of Law school under my belt. 7. Where dod you get the idea to obsess over my post? Really? A moderator posting fifty times on one forum doesn't look professional, it makes you look weak and tasteless. 8. Stop trying to be such a bad a$$. You need to realize that it doesn't smooth over well with me. 9. I'm sprry to embarass you, but you seriously need work on your grammar and vocabulary. 'Gawd?' And you're supposed to bevan English major. No, you're probably some 17 year old high school student who wishes to be admired and seem the least bit smart. 10. I realize that a graduated college student doesn't have much time on thier hands, but you seem to have dotted over my forum for hours. My apologies for not replying at once. I guess I'm too busy being a REAL adult. Please, have a field day on my grammar Bella. Please. I really don't care that your only insult is my grammar. SORRY for not being a ' English Major'. I don't care if I make mistakes in writing. It doesn't hurt my feelings any at all. Correct me. But don't you think that if I WERE using a thesaruas that my grammar would be correct? Yeah, I thought so too. So before you make yourself look like a complete idiot again, please have some concrete insults.
Decode my vocabulary. That's actually quite pathetic. 3. Don't accuse me of being 'stupid' because you'll soon find that I could put smart a twit like you in seconds. 4. Your ' Degree in English and Journalism' - Fake. In all my years, I've never seen an 'educated person' use such a condensed vocabulary, especially a 'English major.' That made me laugh actually. 5. Tomfoolery is typically used in my town. Being from England, I know that we have a much more colored vocabulary. 6. Don't try to be cool. 'Sounding smart' isn't my cup of tea. I AM smart. I'm educated well, and have four years of Law school under my belt. 7. Where dod you get the idea to obsess over my post? Really? A moderator posting fifty times on one forum doesn't look professional, it makes you look weak and tasteless. 8. Stop trying to be such a bad a$$. You need to realize that it doesn't smooth over well with me. 9. I'm sprry to embarass you, but you seriously need work on your grammar and vocabulary. 'Gawd?' And you're supposed to bevan English major. No, you're probably some 17 year old high school student who wishes to be admired and seem the least bit smart. 10. I realize that a graduated college student doesn't have much time on thier hands, but you seem to have dotted over my forum for hours. My apologies for not replying at once. I guess I'm too busy being a REAL adult. Please, have a field day on my grammar Bella. Please. I really don't care that your only insult is my grammar. SORRY for not being a ' English Major'. I don't care if I make mistakes in writing. It doesn't hurt my feelings any at all. Correct me. But don't you think that if I WERE using a thesaruas that my grammar would be correct? Yeah, I thought so too. So before you make yourself look like a complete idiot again, please have some concrete insults.
Belle- English is my second language. The grammatical structures that English contains do not interest me, nor do I spend time trying to fix it.
Hmm... You're trying to get her to apologize, belle? She only stated her opinion, and opinions are whatever she wants; you contradict yourself when you say make an apology, then just drop it.
lol Jenna. your continued ranting only continues to reenforce the notion that you're a douche bag. and four years of law school? OOOOOOOOO big freaking deal. lawyers are a dime a dozen nowadays. there's so many, most recent grads have trouble finding work. p.s. women really are only good for getting men sammiches. @jenna you should skip the short bus to school today, get your ass in the kitchen and make me a deli sliced turkey sammich. I think your forget this is a GAME forum. not a professional writing society board looking for feedback. and even then, as belle said, tons of people will say your crap stinks. you should **** the hell up and go back into the kitchen closet. I'll call you when you're needed.
D_Bo. Aww did I piss you off? Good. That was my intention. You're so busy trying to act as if you don't care, that you sound like an idiot. I'm actually one of the best Prosecutors in London. Maybe you misunderstood the fact that only 45% of law students actually go all the way through Graduate school. My opinion is that you are some worthless welfare bum from America, striving for attention. I'd love to see you write a story. I'm sure as hell that it would be awful. Considering your last post, I think I just pissed my knickers in laughter. Please, learn to spell. Expand your vocabulary. Try dome appropriate grammar. My four year old has triple your IQ. Atleast try to hurt my feelings!! Women making "sammiches"? What are you? Twelve? Women actually gained independence in the 1920's. That means we don't need men. Get your facts straight. I beg you, idiot, to try and degrade me. Give me a good laugh. Your pretty much a mockery of all the human race. It seems that your only defense is 'go make me a sammich'! Wow. I'm completely baffled by your stupidity. I think I just got 50% stupider for reading your 'English.' P.S - If your going to attempt to insult me by repititiously using 'make me a sammich' ATLEAST learn to spell SANDWICH.