Devs, Just a head ups. When you are upgrading volaries to level 2, it says the upgrade cost is 39b. But when you upgrade, it only costs ~25b. Either you need to correct the numbers on cost to upgrade, or you need to actually make it 39b, as it says. -Ducky
B happy all who got refund. I hope u all c how u will b treated in the future. By no way is it fair. And now u can all c what u have to look forward to in the future.
Shut up, eclipso. The only way things get fixed is by bitching. I'm sure when someone fucks up a product you purchase in any other walk of life you smile and say thank you,amirite? Devs do stupid **** they should be called on it.
I'm sure others have posted similar thoughts, but... If you plan on giving a refund to those that have done T5 upgrades since May 1 only, WTH about ALL those players that have had HLs finished for well over a year?!?! Are you going to refund them too or not?! (That would add up to 3T or bit more...)
Y'all do realize this is basically the same thing that happened when t5 was released, right? Why do any of y'all expect any differences now?
My 25 L3 volaries would be a 2.3T refund. Can I have that please? Thanks for trashing a year of my life coming up with 4.6t, not including what the HL cost combined as well.
And another thing. We asked for price reduction of these buildings right when HF land and buildings came out. Now you reduce them that's shady af refund all your loyal players devs.
It looks like tons of people are unhappy. Why not extend an olive branch and give all HLBC players (prior to May 1) a free item that will upgrade 1 HF building from LV 3 to 5. Nobody is HFBC yet and it's not a full refund of the entire amount spent to upgrade. Maybe it'd be a fair compromise that would help take some of the sting away from long time players. Giving an item would force people to put it back into their builds. Just an idea ️
Fraz, cause with t4 you could go bc in a day... Now when the standards shattering the damn atmosphere we have problems.. Upgrades don't cost a total of 15b anymore... They're now 950b per building.
Devs just give us all our feather rewards plus 2t each and call it a day before you **** anything else up,please?