I expect a refund a lot of time went into my build and now u only reward a refund for those before May 1st ARE U KIDDING ME? REFUND EXPECTED not happy at all
It closes the gap a little between newer and players who started on the upgrades later not realy between the big spenders.
Dev's are simply investing in their future. They have forgotten about those people that have played the game for YEARS. Shame on you.. People have spent a lot of money enjoying the game.. Guess you have forgotten about them.
Lmao devs please pull your heads from your butts. How you gonna only give refunds from a completely arbitrary date within a ridiculous 6 days time? You just get off on pissing off the majority of your community. There Yea just no pi other explanation for such p.r. ineptitude.
At least they are somewhat kinda listening to the community now? I mean they tried to bridge the gap... Now they just have to compensate all you HLBC guys out there
So only ppl that upgraded after may 1st will get the refund not the ones who took the time to build up when they were higher before the first this is extremely unfair if that's the case.