How about instead they fix scroll drop rates again? They were increased magically decreased increased again and magically decreased again. Or at least put in a check to see if you have an item enchanted to not get that type of scroll again?
We are being ignored yet again. The silence is deafening! Almost 100 pages but no reaction. We deserve a better explanation!
wow, most of ppl are saving gold during months nd now u reduce .. once again .. the build price!? facepalm :roll:
I am a vet.....and have not spend a dime in this game....I have gone inactive and active several times.... I see a lot of ppl complaining and whining over is the answer: 1. Do not spend your money in a game that you think is unfair. (Devs didn't force you to spend money in their game.) 2. Do not like it? Hate it? Tired of the unfairness? **** off and leave the game. Do yourself a favor and just stop playing. 3. Build your own game and be as fair as you think you have to be there. 4. This is their game, they can do whatever they can. Period. Deal with it or get out. Well....I hope that solves some of the whining and crying over this. Happy Kawing! ️ ~Brut out!
It's funny how all the people who say "stop complaining" are ones who are benefitting from this. I'd probably say the same if I was getting a massive advantage too. Maybe the devs could just supply my account with 100 tril and no one else? I could then deem it fair and just, due to it being a free game. If the developers make the rules then it has to be fair, right?
You all should thank your lucky stars. You moan and groan about this or that you get things changed or reduced or whatever there's players who have played 3years that don't hardly get the benefits of what you receive from the devs so be thankful you get it!.
Really Dev's, We are just asking for a answer as to why. Should be in a professional manner. To your paying customers, and loyal customers. Think we all deserve a fair explanation. Let's put this to rest.
Support to give full reasoning in timing of the t5 price cut ppl going crazy buying seals and ug'ing to be hlbc and then goal posts moved between event finishing and rewards released. If as you say 6 days is enough time to make your gold back in upgrades from the beginning of the feather hunt. Why did you not do it 6 days earlier or 6 days later? P.S. 6 days is hardly enough time if you realised how long it takes to save up gold. Customer are demanding answers but the silence form devs saying they messed up or the this gives them optimum opportunity to make some extra dollars in this "100% free" "say whaaaaaat" lol Maybe I'm just being skeptical.
I guess a bump is in order still no reply from devs from the "handful" of players raising questions over the timing of the refund or concerns over the 6 day period that players could have a refund. I guess they are hoping people's interest in the refunds fade before their interest in the game does.
Total crap move but the short sight idiots that run this whom have been playing 4 years get on all the time.i hope you next is a hedgehog. Anonymous
what a load of horse dung, why have you reduced the price of volaries ect, i think we deserve a better explanation, over the 3 and a half yrs i been on kaw ive worked hard to get what i got, and now you practically giving it away, i think its pathetic, show some loyalty to the people that have stuck around, you did the same thing with coe, sos ect, to make it fair i think you should refund the gold that people have lost for paying full price for them, you may have set us back a few months but atleast you be giving something back to your most loyal people,