Regarding the new Building Upgrades

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 9, 2014.

  1. Omg I'm noob it's revenge I take last statement back
  2. Lol I guess i failed there but my point that plunder in one seal needed eb goes up while another down in plunder with upgrades is a valid point and I guess I don't want pig plunder to decrease even though it should follow the same rules if escape plunder drops with upgrades. Best would be that escape does not follow haunt for eb size/plunder equation at all
  3. If you raised the plunder cap, then why is plunder dropping as upgrades are made 
  4. to screw over vets, because some noobs complained the gap was too big between themselves and some players who have put years and a lot of $ into kaw.
  5. Thks Devs
  6. I understand that 2.2 tril can't be given out to everyone that is HLBC. I'm not even mad, even if I've done more build changes than I can count, several on Highlands in the last month before these new building upgrades.. I can't say I understand how you came up with approximately 1 week before the update as the cutoff, makes little sense to me and comes across as completely arbitrary and almost picked with a dart thrown at a calendar, but I'm not really upset about the date either..

    I will say that all the many little things stacked on top of each other that make the updates to this game feel like cash grabs are starting to wear on me..

    Instead of expansions to a once great game(with much potential even still) that the community is actually looking to see, we get things shoved on us that only seem to have one major goal: the purchase of even more nobs/xtals. I get that a business needs revenue but I can't believe ATA is not succeeding to turn a profit without these hunts that yield worthless rewards unless a player burns an excess of xtals, and similarly building upgrades that very few will be able to build in a timely manner unless money is spent, a lot of money at that.

    And when the community voices objections, we are given responses along the lines of "our data showed us the community was ready".. even in spite of the community itself, for the most part(those that have been vocal at least) says the contrary.

    As a player that has been around for a little while now, and spent way more money than I probably should have after seeing these signs again and again, I have to say I'm getting burned out. Tired of shoddy customer support/service, tired of vague replys and little willingness to address consumers concerns, tired of hearing one thing(if anything at all is said), only to have something else done a few months down the road, completely to the contrary.

    I wasn't going to say anything, because I've learned there is little point, but the reason I've decided to say something is the fact that you are only going to give buildings that are torn down compensation based on the reduced price, rather than the price many of us have paid. With the introduction of new ways to upgrade, unless a player has every type of building built where the upgrades can be performed, certain stats will get neglected, and once again I find myself in a position where(IF I continue on) I now need to adjust my build so that I can optimize All of my stats the way I think best to allocate. All that to say, tearing down a building that cost me 175, but getting the small percentage back as if I had paid half. It is a small amount comparatively at this point but it just feels like another slap in the face, and another issue that will most likely get a copy/paste response, if any at all.

    At the risk of sounding a little like a nerd, I've played a great many games, many of which the developers use the community to shape their game. Games that start as ideas and go on to become great games that are as much a result of community input as it is developer design. I've played KAW for as long as I have because I can take it on the go and it has a great community, but as developers I think you guys don't give that community and it's input the attention it deserves, and it is not just the community itself that will suffer because of this but your game as a whole as well. I don't know if I'm ready to completely move on or not, but I know I have lost the addiction to this game that I had for so long. I know if you looked you would see my lack of in app purchases for a while now prove this. Anyway, if you took the time to read this, I hope you'll at least give it a little consideration.

    Sorry for the wall of text, readers.. I hope my long winded thoughts didn't wander in too many directions that this didn't make any sense.️
  7. Can we get a tl;dr version of that wall of text?
  8. You really need to stop trying to grow new players for a year and help the old players that have and will again if you give them a reason for it again to spend money on this game next hunt have a higher EB over rec as the one that pays the best.
    And hte has killed clan loyalty so people that log in randomly can't grow so causing more to not want to play
  9. ^ However without such a high paying eb, just to T5HFBC will take (me anyway) literally years. By that time, new lands and/or buildings will be introduced to once again accommodate the bigs/lbers.

    If anything, make HTE free to run and increase the payout of all ebs and pvp actions so everyone has the chance to grow equally.
  10. Devs just give us a break and make a public apology or something ! 
  11. Support for last two comments on p91. You've messed up devs, just man up and admit it. YOU DONT PLAY this game, WE DO. That doesn't mean to say do what we say, but you could atleast afford us the respect of not treating us like children with generic validation.
  12. It seems the developers strategy is to ignore this issue... and KAW_Community has gone into hiding :lol:
  13. Devs tell me why atk builds with towers, I might add now make more then a hansel? The whole point of having that "gold making gap" was because of a few reasons...atk builds offer more stats and therefore don't require as much BFA to get on the overall lb. Also spy buildings are more expensive then atk buildings with the exception of t6 update. So explain why you insist on hindering spy's? You said you would come out with a spy banner and yet I still haven't seen one that's meant purely for spy's. The banner from the feather hunt you felt the need to increase the atk stats almost double but not the spy stats for it when you said it was going to be equally stat banner. And now with this lv4 and lv5 update for t6. You have atk builds with towers that's not even close to HFBC making more then a hansel that's 2.8tril away from t6 lv5 complete. Please explain the fairness or equality in the builds Because I seem to be missing it.
  14. Why dont get my refund?
  15. When y say ' help everyone progress along and to narrow the gap...' You're really referring to new players; the gap from small builds to mid size builds.

    But for those who've played for years and don't have 10 trillion (just throwing a number out there), the gap gets bigger and bigger to big builds.

    The new upgrades (if u were lucky to be BC) cost 13.75 trillion. At a growth rate of 50bil a day, that will take 275 days. Or about $4,000 worth of nob pts.

    My point is, new players are progressing faster, big builds are pretty much unaffected, but the mid players who've progressed through each change in kaw, keep getting the shaft
  16. bumping, as this is still an issue, and causing many poor reviews in app store and needs to be resolved
  17. Keeping our fight for justice bumped

    Refund all or refund none
  18. Yes agreed, refund's for all. By the time i am hfbc, probably new lands will be out and t6 prices will be slashed as well. The mids will always suffer in this game:/

    Why don't you give us a promo where lands and buildings can be bought at discounted prices? That would be way better than the silly feather and ice promos.
  19. Let's keep this in active topics, since myself , twizted and many others have not been answered, or just being ignored!