I think it sucks that the devs put an arbitrary cutoff for refunds and the latest response from KC seem instructed a sick and twisted concept of fairness and logic, but that issue is effectively put to rest (unless enough people complain and they reevaluate their response). One question that has not been answered is at what price a sold building will be refunded. For the veterans (apparently pre-May 2014), this should fairly be at original paid price. By basing on the new, lower price, you are effectively double-penalizing the veterans by not giving them the same advantage of a refund AND by giving the lower selling price. As with the lower price for T4 way back when, this is an opportunity for veterans to try a new build - for EB fairies, they can add some towers and try their hand at war. For war veterans that would like to retire to the land of fairies, they can convert their towers to a more plunder-friendly build. Bottom line is, we at least deserve to know what the conversion price will be based on without having to drop a building to test. Emailing support was useless and I was directed to forums, so let's give this a shot. Thanks and happy kawing
Where's the devs at with the response from my post on page 78? Or did they completely stop talking to the community altogether to count our money. This is still an ongoing problem and needs fixed.
@ Twizted they are totally ignoring the relivant and answering questions not related to our posts and questions!
KC has simply repeated the same reply from day 1. No interest whatsoever. No one buys the reasoning but they don't care. And no attempt to substantiate their reasoning. My vote is clear and I will exercise it.
I have just spent 250b on a lvl3 to lvl4 sdt on hf but got no increase in stats from it. The image has changed to the aboreal village & although it suggests I now have the extra stats it still says it's a descry fasthold & I definitely got no stats. Please look into this.
Good bye kaw. I had lots of fun but with this nnew upgrade screwing over the veterans like me and less contact with guildies, there is simply no reason for me to stay. It sucks tgat Kaw can't put the same dedication to there vets as I them. Had a great time and I have no regrets.
Don't know if anyone else has asked this(can't really be bothered to look thru all the replies) but if I sell a hl building now do I get back a fraction of the price I bought it at, or a fraction of it's current cost??
@ wolfie, if you READ my post, noob, you would find that I said EX sh. Meaning an sh who saved up and JUST bought all t5s at lvl3. Read first, then find a better way to make a fool out of yourself.
@ Templar, yes, apparently ata deem it fair as we have had the proper use out of the buildings, therefor they sell at the new sell price, regardless of the 175b you may have paid for it
What exactly is the point of building on the HF lands now? We all know now you'll cut the price in a year. You're going to have a huge pool of players waiting for price drops from now on, rather than spending real money chasing build completion. Various implementations have sucked the soul out of this game in recent years. It gets more like ******* farmville by the day. Your only interests are promotions and dogshit events that'll make you money. You stopped caring about the real core of longterm players once you realised there was much more money to be made by dangling us mids as bait and introducing price reductions and ******* HTE. Yes, you new players will catch us up but there's no achievement in yours stats and you'll face the same ******** in a year or two when they do exactly the same thing for the next batch of players. Enjoy. Suck my dick devs.
Sorry if this has been pointed out but wotwb plunder goes up with hlbc even though escape goes down I think specialty eb plunder should only go up otherwise eventually wotwb will pay better per hit than escape and pretty sure the pig is a smaller eb lol and I don't call the pig rotwb because wrath is not spelled rath lol