Guess noone realizes that the devs only care about the most possible money they can make. They don't care about long term just there pockets. This is the reason I quit the game. Lb have a huge advantage and smalls,lazy, and newbs get it easier then those that invested time and money. They claim they do things like a normal business but if you look at it they're just like the us government. Wealthy and low class get a break while hard working middle class get the bone. Do yourselves a favor and find a game that the developers actually care about there customers. Just like the t4 thread this one will be locked soon to prevent a riot and the issue will be pushed under a rug so they can milk you all for everything they can instead of fixing there mistakes.
poorly said, but true. unlike some people that think kaw will be around forever; the devs know that all things end. kaw is generations behind the latest, greatest apps. ata sees the end in sight, so they are cashing in while they still can.
I don't get what you die hard idiots don't get, devs don't care about you wasting your paycheques on this game, in the future they will reduce hf prices and not give any of us refund, so I ask the question; what's the point in buying seals? What's the point spending money to play the game? when devs are just gunna turn around and waste the money you spent again in a year? 2 years? No matter how long.... They still will end up wasting your cash! So I for one think it's time to find a new game .... There are plenty just as addictive ️
@ any KaW_ It's really cute that the HF/T6 thread is gone. Isn't that where you said that T5 would absolutely NOT be reduced in price? I kind of remember that thread, because I caught a 7 day forum ban for reaming your ass.
support for inferno but we want a 100 % refound because we spent the last 3 years getting so far in the game!!!!
What a claasic scam....part bait and switch, part 3 card monty, part sleazeball shakedown. My favorite part is how during thw wait for this event equipment you guys proceed to slam in so many stupid changes that no one can focus on which part they are most upset about. Bravo...i must admit it is a masterfully executed troll.
Why listen to us? They have a clown in kaw_community , the guy pretend to represent us. Total fail. Ive already made kaw my 2nd game. Lmao pretty many OL addictive games out there. You greedy Apes can shove this app where appropriate.
Devs how many players are hfbc? How many have only become hfbc in the last two months? What is the ratio to active players? Is it really in the best to the community or is that these players that are hfbc are big spenders?
I'm still waiting for my refund, support is lagging on it, with me at least. Have others not received their refunds yet?