and screw the rest of players that have already paid the normal price for t5 build? :x AGAIN???? 2 fails in 2 days, i bow down to your incompetence developers. Damn idiots
Refund on buildings states from 1st of May but no YEAR specified so we all should be entitled to a refund
wow. 40m+ cs if u HFBC. devs just make things to scare new players and upset middles. no hopes for them unless they plan to spend thousands $$ lol
+130k cs upgrade T6 Lv4 and +200k cs upgrade T6 Lv5 its clearly that devs gonna address SH again before S4 Devs, Small buildings never die in war whatever u do any changes unless u want to kill EE if u want to fix the EE problems, just random drop SOD, aqua, etc... and increase golds pay out (10x) in wars. give better BFE rewards from EE (ee equips sucks compare to EB equips and promo equips now). you can only fix the problems when more and more ppls doing ee wars. However, does devs really care about EE if they can get more incomes from those B2B HTE ?
Since May 1st? How did you arrive at that date? You should refund everything spent on them, not just what was spent in the last six days. ********.
agreed ,support inferno also, i worked my butt off to acheive a personal mile stone acheivement which now isnt,that hard to acheive
Feel like I wasted hundreds of real life hard earned money when I could have just waited and built my highlands for half the work. Where is my 2.1t that I overpaid
No Support If anyone wanted that should download Smurf Village or any similar app like Soop, SIMS, Simpsons, ETC ... This game should be : KINGDOMS AT WAR Not : KINGDOMS HUNTING BLUEBERRIES Thank you Devs to not think about who has "bought" this game before 2011 .... U guys r real making changing the feeling of this game !!!!