Regarding the new Building Upgrades

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 9, 2014.

  1. Lol so HLBC folks who have been upgrading T6 get the shaft ? Lovely...
  2. it takes 40 pages of bad feedback, and probably another 100 more before it sinks in to your thick money hungry skulls devs, I can't stress enough how you need to make this right.... We put up with a ton of carp from you guys (and then some -.-) on a monthly basis, give us our refund you will gain far more respect then lost tonight
  3. the new tiers should never have been released. if the devs really wanted to let new players catch up, they would stop moving the finish line. making mid level buildings cheaper would only make sense if the new tiers weren't insanely more costly than the savings new players will see on the highlands.

    the devs are lying to us about their reasons. the price reduction in no way helps new players "catch up". the only logical reason for the new tiers is to encourage the high spenders to spend in order to be the first to get them and to keep them feeling as though they are "progressing".

    if the devs really cared about improving the experience for new players, they would spend time rebalancing the combat mechanics to account for the bizarre things that static stat eq have done to the game. they would tighten up the hit range to reflect the way kaw is now; instead of how it was 3 years ago. they would fix the host of other problems that plague the average player. instead they are LYING to you.

    seriously. i'm done with kaw after this war. i'm sick of the way companies like ata use psychology to squeeze money out of people.
  4. By doing so***
  5. KAW. I have read all these post and unfortunately I agree with some people's concerns. We have people in the game that have just over 100.000 successful attacks yet there stats range between 14 - 18 million combined stats. After 100k of actions that means they have played for little over if they are active daily. Seems a little unfair that new players leapfrog older players of your game. I think for my alts these building reduced prices will help loads also will help new accounts. My original account is semi inactive now but it seems I can catch this account with little effort. Now is that fair? I think not. I briefed on page 20 something about how we would be better off being able to upgrade all land buildings least it would look like our stats was growing. I have just hlbc in Feb so I'm disappointed I never waited to hlbc now. I think I have spent a lot of real money on my alt (original account) then decided to start this account as a new main. Over 4 years I have played and now kaw has giant noobs no war experience no history and to be honest no idea of what kaw was like in our pvp days. Why do they have the advantage? You have released these new building too early only the top players in kaw will be able to afford to upgrade and smaller players also... you forgot about the ones in the middle. I'm sorry this post is long and hope I have not made any typos but I just finished a 12 hour night shift.... what will you do for the middle range players like me. What incentive do I have to keep playing? Well from the developers it seems like I have none. I'll never make the top even if I purchase xtals it's impossible. The reason I play is not because of the game play tapping buttons has never floated my boat. I play because I like the community of kaw. The interaction is fantastic. I have alot of friends here in Kaw. I have many accounts and many devices but yet I don't seem to enjoy something I spend money on that's mental right?

    So how can KAW help fix this problem? B2B escapes help but not enough the goals of the game have developed leaving people slightly annoyed to say the least.

    My wife quit when HF come out she hlbc in 180 days back then that was fast.

    How many players will you lose?

    Sorry about the rant but these changes don't seem to help some of us...

    The stats on Lvl 5 building are awesome and the price is not bad however what's the point if we can't earn enough gold to pay for it?

    Thank you for your time reading this. Again sorry it went on a bit but I am annoyed.
  6. My question is; why not give us the refund to begin with? Why make us go through all this trouble to give us what we rightfully deserve?

    I don't see the point in holding back on refunds... Too complicated for you ape brains?

    I'd be glad to help if it means I get my refund :)
  7. @devs

    Hope u all remember who pay your wages. Oh wait that's us the real kawwmunity. Refund all or none!
  8. Wow .. Really devs .. 'Thanks' for that
  9. Don't say that asun or they'll choose none 

    .... I'll admit at first I was completely bluffing about quitting kaw , but damn... It LEGIT feels less fun knowing people can catch up in 1/2 the time
  10. Two screw ups in one day devs 
  11. I wouldn't call this just a "screw up" I'd call this the worse mistake in kaw history , agaha devs will see
  12. I agree with welcome,

    Why do we need the game to keep growing if 99% of the players aren't build complete?


    So you can make more money?!

    Well you sacrificing your relationship with your players.
  13. I say screw the refunds! If we paid full price...all should pay full price or we all get a refund!
  14. You have succeeded in angering many players. This will mean a downturn in revenue for developers. Hope you are happy.
  15. At this point they don't care about there "players" ,all about that money for them at this point.
  16. I just don't see why we can't be fully refunded
  17. And they will soon run this game into the floor - and we just keep falling - faster and faster
  18. Sucks that I've been HLBC for a Few months now. This game getting to easy for small players.
  19. Well I officially feel stupid for spending close to 3grand last year on kaw lmao. Never gain. Thank you devs for psychologically draining me all these years.