We should all dropped builds to gh and have tons of bfa..dev will dropped prices in t6 because they want GROWTH then we can all b hfbc
devs try lower gap between ppl who are here longer (spent more money) and ppl who are here less (spent less money)? where is brain? who from old players could be happy????????
Screw you. You liars will never update anything pvp related. "Late jan, early feb" No, you better reduce everything and don't refund the ones who work hard for it
I'm not interested in free stuff, I just want the stupidity to stop. You Jack asses keep rewarding the exploiters and screwing the ppl who try to play straight up. We are not the tools who are appeased with stupid feather rewards, we just keep hoping you will eventually get your poop in a group and allow us to enjoy this game again. But it's been to long since something actually worth while had been introduced. Station hit the nail on the head, read that post, stop all your other crap and fix this game. Talk to any vet, the main reason they play is the social aspect of the game, but that can only carry you so far. As we keep losing friends there fewer and fewer reasons to log on.
They Do Not Care about the people who played rhis games for years .kaw coummunity change ur name lool cuz u r not helpin us
it's got to suck to be the man or woman behind the kaw community acct. I wonder how much he or she rages at co-workers back at ATA. I applaud your business model ATA. Even though you really stick it to your base over and over again you have created electronic crack and we all come back for another hit. I would only question one thing. Do you really want us that have been playing for years to continue? Honestly for me kaw has turned more into a social app. Strategy went out the window the last time you did this very same thing. Do you remember? And do you realize how many of my friends left then? My friends on here are what keep me coming around if they leave so will I this time. cheers
Yet those who paid full old price get nothing????? Hardly fair. Becoming disillusioned with constant changing goalposts
Basically it is very unfair to bring our hard work before meaningless. If you don't want to have a gap between player too much on stat dont launch new building and new land. In reallity thete always ppl that play hard, do you want to punish them because of that? Seriously? After this how long you think the gap will maintain small?
Thanks Kaw for taking care of your long playing and loyal players (sarcasm incase you don't get it). It just seems like you care about the new player more than the old. If you did care you would give everyone a refund on lands already built. I built at full price back in the day and now the up and coming get a discount? Y'all really make it hard to stay loyal and interested. The amount of time invested was waisted. Everyone can't be on the same level....it's a fact of life.
Let me get this right... You can adjust the payout on EB's for the new levels of T6 within hours, but can't adjust the payout of worthless builds in over a year? To top that!!!! You cut T5 prices in half when you said that wasn't going to happen when you released T6. You screwed the middle players with T4. You screwed the middle players with EE. You screwed the middle players with T5. What do we get??? Some worthless feather hunt? What do we get? The players that have been here 3 years that keep spending our $30 a week? When will you give a crap?
You only refund us from 1st May? What the heck? You forget that loads of people had holidays only 2-3 weeks ago and would have upgraded like crazy then. I'm talking only 20 days ago, and yet you won't refund for that will you?
Devs it may seem small to you, but to the players who played for years to get to where they are it is total BS. I gaurentee you 1000000percent you will lose a good chunk of old players doing this (big players=good revenue for you guys) .... I already have friends gearing up to sell their accounts , (which ik is not alloud, I said FRIENDS)