He's only responding to the soft questions or the incredibly stupid ones. Like "When do I get my feather crap?"
Perhaps not worth upgrading right now. Tempted to wait 8-10months till new lands/tier 7 comes out (since devs making idiotic decisions to have new upgrades available that fast) and take advantage of reduced price for tier 6
I'm upset we vets get screwed again like with the T4, hell, I'd settle for a 30-35% refund. At least something
That's why I like giving them easy stuff to address. They respond to me, and I get to feel important :lol: Devs, can you respond to this so I can feel important?
Great job devs helping small players bridge the gap and stay in KAW. Kudos, and can I get my feather stuff before wakebuster please
Y'all complain a lot. If something takes a price cut it doesn't mean you deserve a refund. Just means some are smart enough to hold back. Devs been telling us new building were competing for a grip. Last time prices were cut as well. Should have thought about it sooner.
I was upset when this happened to T4 buildings. But I was resolved to get to HLBC with T5. But I don't care about this one. I have slowly lost interest in this game. I'm not buying anymore. I don't care if I upgrade. I'm just here to use this as a chat room and to osw a bit.
You said something about fixing sh in ee wars but now that you reduced the hl buildings and add hf lvl4,5.looks like you intend to kick all Mid builds out of ee warring.you are encouraging sh instead of fixing it with the reduction of hl buildings,
I get that and I don't.... I for one would have waited on upgrades if I knew the release date, but it wasn't announced, I was just "BOOM"! " here's the change we mentioned in January!"
They won't respond to the real posts addressing the problems the majority wants because they know the uproar it's going to cause hope the rest of you give them a bad review and stop being stupid enough to waste your money on these fagots vacation funds they obviously don't care about their players just their wallets.
Nope not high. I'm a sh that was smart enough to be saving for this very release. Don't hate the player , hate the game.
This is a joke for someone like me who was hlbc way before May 1st what do I get nothing. SHAFTED. All the smalls will now have to spend less,,to get where I am. Thanks for rewarding the long term players with nothing.. for all our hard work and grind is not even rewarded. Awesome devs thanks for thinking of ur long term loyal player's. As always we get SCREWED