Regarding Recent War Abuse

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. It seams devs banned all the members on each clan but not all those who participated in these phony wars
  2. The devs " banned" the statless alts who "owned " the clans. Big deal.., huge loss. They make another statless alt and do it again. Strip the mith earned, ban the accounts of those benefitting from it and suddenly the risk of cheating becomes greater.
  3. Drunk fist the answer to your question I can even answer.... YES!!!!
  4. So the LB and the GH / SOS alts exploits get mith, along with all others that understand how to game the system... So how come y'all don't just sell unlimited mith for noobs/ gold?
    I mean what's it really gonna hurt if you do ?

    The game is already unfair to most of the player population. Why not just let us buy what we want and you can work on your system in the mean time.
    So when you do come out with a Fair way to match war clans, then you can hand out special equipment !
  5. Kaw com don't look now but if u look at ur forum there are more posts about the broke. Ee system and how it is.... Excuse me while I choke a bit..... Abuse of the system.... U ignore all that but somebody takes the time to make a bunch if alts ad u had issues with it... Silly
  7. By this logic, teams made up primarily of statless accounts takes away from a party's enjoyment of kingdoms at war, but teams made up of ENORMOUS top LB accounts paired with MINISCULE nothing special accounts adds and promotes enjoyment of EVERY player in KaW.

    Mind you, these huge accounts would never ever even recognize the existence of, much less fight along side these small accounts if it wasn't for EE and the benefits they can easily reap by joining forces.
  8. Thank you. Immediate bans on anyone exploiting the game in such an obvious way are well deserved.
  9. I wonder if Devs really listen to us?
  10. Justpure, they hear what they want to hear, and see what they don't want to see, and then respond to the safest comment they can in order to save face, even though everyone who sees that reply know its a load of bull and that they're afraid to directly address the most serious problems at hand.
  11. LB is an 'exploit'? It's not as if lb accounts can just be easily created for ee lol

    I agree all forms of cheating, either in ee or not, should have the main accounts and specifically those benefiting from it banned. This way people who use statless alts to gain various advantages aren't immune to punishment.
  12. Thanks Subtle.. #unhappycustomer
  13. MK realy your gona comment in this.thread? who do you think i was talking about top clan unequip to match the SMALLEST CLAN.
  14. I still am waiting for some positive experience btw ... you know well that I once wasn't one of the free players ... in contrary! ... (but I stopped purchasing FOR A GOOD REASON) I once used to think that playing this game would base on respect and that ToU applied to ALL players (including SAME RIGHTS AND DUTIES for ALL players) ... but last few months it even got worse than ever and is worst atm ... I'm getting stalked by specific players nonstop and still getting forced to live the consequences of an agitation against me personally which had started 1 1/2 years b4 ... stalked by unimportant alts (accounts you pretend to have removed) which don't pay a real cent for their stalkings by not even wasting any virtual Gold for own attack or defense pots but burning my defense pots (FULL sets even by FAILS ... AND no matter which size such fake alts do have btw ... even smallest sizes with NO BFE OR BFA!) ...
    targetting single players with such "special" accounts is a quite well known issue in game yet you seem to still not care much ...

    I'm pretty sure that such alts are alts of players who also tend to abuse the hit ranges in game ... a player with 11m stats should NOT be able to stalk players with 547k atts when even BFE is way higher than their victims ... else you force all newer and weaker players to sell all their def pots, too, which will keep them non growing permanently while getting stalked ... it should become a war game finally and you need to care for abusive players ... AT LEAST for those who exaggerate way too much and even are bragging about it ...

    and maybe you check some youtube videos encouraging players to cheat virtual Gold in KAW ... for example I mean ... else you may try hard to provide positive experience for fair n honest players like me! ...
  15. Isn't every clan running 10 plus gh abusing the matchup system ?
  16. Sugah lb by itself is not an exploit nor use of guild hansel or sh but the stacking of lb bigs and gh gives an enormous advantage

    Aka I dunno if anyone noticed but a well built gh/lb combo can make the sum of there spinners ending blunder in less then 6 min.... That = an exploit
  17. Spinners? Apponent is what I meant to say wow autocorrect I give up
  18. Sh stacking is the done to minimize leaks and not beacuse of getting a smaller match get that fact straight you all know this and if you don't try warring at a experienced warclan.

    Lb's are stacked above to Handel the top of your enemy roaster also a way to controll the war that's a strat.

    Why is this happening because of the hit range.
    This is the best roaster setup atm if you war.

    If devs change any variable roaster setup will change. That's called adjusting fine tuneing the roaster.

    What KC is talking about is either trying to match a clan and agreeing for whom to win or trying to get monarch beacuse hitration is poor.

    All good warclans war with a stacked roaster that doesn't make them win automatically.
    They actually have to be skilled.

    My respect to all Warclans putting in loads of time for preparations planing and stack the way you want as long as you don't go for free mith.

    Pm if you need info on how to war some guys here apparently have misunderstood how it all works.
  19. Wait- you banned all the alts but not the mains benefitting? Shame on you devs! I sure hope all were banned if any were.
  20. Brig - I think you need to read the whole post again. All that were involved were banned. Mains and alts.